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The sun was beginning to set. The pair sat together on the roof of Sooyoung's house, as had become a habit of theirs.

Jiwoo rested her head against Sooyoung's shoulder and sighed heavily.

"What's wrong, peach?"

The younger girl pouted. "Do you know what day it is?"

Sooyoung thought for a moment before responding, "Friday."

"Do you know what happens in a few days?" Jiwoo's breathing became shallower and she clutched onto Sooyoung's shirt tightly after asking her question.

This wasn't the first time Sooyoung had seen Jiwoo's anxiety take over, nor would it be the last. But she had learned what helped Jiwoo stay calm. She took Jiwoo's hand and pulled it toward her, pressing the girl's palm against her heart. She then gently lifted Jiwoo's face and ran a thumb over her cheek.

"Look at me, Chuu," she whispered. Jiwoo looked into her eyes, though she still seemed a bit distant. "I'm not gonna leave you when we go back to school. You'll be okay, I promise I'll do everything I can to protect you and make you feel safe."

It took a few minutes, but slowly Jiwoo's breathing became steady and she released her grip on the hem of Sooyoung's shirt. "Stay with me all weekend," she insisted, "I want to spend all my time with you before we go back to school. You already said you have no plans, and your school starts a little later than mine, anyway."

Sooyoung wrapped an arm around Jiwoo's shoulder. "I won't leave your side." She suddenly got an idea. "Hey, what if I drive you to school? I know you walk most days, but I pass yours on the way to mine. I can take Hyunjin to school, too, since she and I attend the same place."

Jiwoo pulled away slightly to look at Sooyoung. "I don't know if that's a good idea," she mumbled, "I... can't really explain it, but the kids at my school are... well, they suck. And I don't want you to have to see that, and I definitely don't want Hyunjin to have to see that. She doesn't know anything, and if she was around kids from my school, she'd find something out."

"How about this?" Sooyoung proposed, "Just let me take you on your first day. Hyunjin can go with Heejin like she normally does. Let me take you to school just this once, if not for you then for me. Please?"

Jiwoo chuckled and leaned into Sooyoung's embrace again. "Fine," she whispered, "But only because I know it'll help you worry less. And just so you know- if anyone else had asked, I'd have told them to fuck off. You're just that special to me."

"You're special to me, too, peach."

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