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The bell rang just as Sooyoung sat down. Heejin, who sat next to her, nudged her with her elbow.

"Sorry about this morning," she whispered, "I didn't mean to crash your moment." Sooyoung smiled and reassured her that it was fine, she was even grateful for the interruption.

Sooyoung didn't pay attention to any of her classes that day. Her mind was preoccupied, somewhere on the other side of the city with the bright, loud girl she couldn't get out of her head. When the lunch bell rang, Sooyoung barely noticed. She followed the crowd out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. Thanks to muscle memory, she didn't have to think about how to get to her table, which was incredibly lucky for her because she definitely would've tripped otherwise.

"Sooyoung," Heejin teased, waving a finger in the girl's face, "What's on your mind?"

The oldest girl bit her lip trying to fight back her smile. "It's... hard to explain, I guess," she mumbled.

Hyunjin smirked. "Okay, now we know there's something on your mind. Spill."

"She's probably just still on her happiness high," Heejin joked. She picked up the peach in Sooyoung's lunchbox and pretended to kiss it, laughing the whole time. "Ms. Ha Sooyoung over here had a very interesting morning, didn't you? Don't be shy, just say it. Can I say it? Okay, Sooyoung and Jiwoo were making out all morning!"

Sooyoung blushed and waved her hands in front of her. "No," she stammered, "I think you misunderstood, I just kissed her."

"Heekkie," Hyunjin sang, "Never talk about my sister making out with anyone ever again. It's gross to think about."

By now, Sooyoung's mind was wandering again. "No, it's really nice," she absentmindedly said.

Heejin squealed, once more bringing Sooyoung back to reality. "So I was right!" She declared, "You did make out with Jiwoo." She counted on her fingers as she continued, "You were late getting to school, your face was all red, you've been daydreaming all day, your lipstick is smeared, and you still have Jiwoo's glitter lip gloss on. Case closed."

"I didn't use her lip gloss...?"

Hyunjin rolled her eyes. "We know you didn't use her lip gloss, stupid," she deadpanned, "You didn't even come into the house this morning and she keeps all her makeup in her room. I don't really care that much that you kissed my sister – actually, it's kind of uncomfortable – but you make her happy. Just... don't tell me about it, and don't do anything in the living room. Lock Jiwoo's door, okay?"

Sooyoung hid her face. She said, "No, you're misunderstanding, Hyunjin, I just kissed her. I'm not gonna rush things. Whatever Jiwoo wants, I'm happy to do."

Once again, Heejin loudly squealed and clapped, overjoyed at the news.

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