(FORTY-FIVE) [xmas special]

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"Sooyoung's here!" Hyunjin shouted. Jiwoo nodded, still wrapped up tightly in her blanket. Hyunjin huffed when she realised Jiwoo wouldn't be moving anytime soon. "Fine, I'll get it."

Jiwoo heard the door open and Sooyoung greeting Hyunjin as she walked inside. She sat there in anticipation, waiting for Sooyoung to walk down the hallway into the living room. When she finally did, she spotted Jiwoo bundled up in a blanket huddled beneath the Christmas tree. She couldn't help but giggle at her girlfriend's cuteness.

"Aren't you gonna open your gift, Sooyoung?" Jiwoo asked. Sooyoung cautiously unwrapped the blanket and Jiwoo sprung to her feet, tackling the girl in a hug. Sooyoung picked Jiwoo up and spun around, both girls laughing. "Your actual gift is upstairs," Jiwoo admitted.

She led Sooyoung up to her room and held out a small box wrapped in glittery wrapping paper. Sooyoung opened it carefully and squealed at what she found inside. "Chuu, I thought we agreed on no gifts! I didn't bring anything; I just wanted to cuddle with you." Jiwoo shrugged and gestured at the box. Sooyoung looked back at the gift and gasped as she picked up one of the rings inside the box. It had a chain attached to it, like the ring was a charm rather than a ring, and she looked up at Jiwoo.

The girl smiled awkwardly. "I know this is soon, but don't worry, this isn't a proposal. I just wanted each of us to carry a little bit of each other wherever we go," she explained. "Look at the inside of the ring." Sooyoung looked at the inside of each ring, cooing when she saw her name engraved on one and Jiwoo's name on the other.

Sooyoung walked behind Jiwoo and gently clipped the necklace around her neck, smoothing out her hair and adjusting the necklace to look just perfect against Jiwoo's skin. She turned her girlfriend toward the mirror, still standing behind her with her arms around her waist. "Tell me who you love, peach," she whispered.

"Doesn't this ring say enough?" Jiwoo asked, fidgeting with the ring on her necklace which had Sooyoung's name on it.

"Hmm... I guess so, but I like to hear you say it anyway." She nuzzled her face into Jiwoo's neck and smiled at the girl's squealing laughter.

Jiwoo finally stopped laughing and turned around to face her girlfriend. She picked up the second ring and stood on her toes to put it on Sooyoung. "I love you, Sooyoung. Merry Christmas." She grabbed the ring and pulled slightly, guiding Sooyoung's head down so she could give her a soft kiss.

Sooyoung pulled away very briefly to whisper against Jiwoo's lips, "I love you, too, Jiwoo. Merry Christmas." She then kissed her girlfriend again, pulling her close by the waist and smiling into the kiss.

Only once she pulled back again did she realise she was standing beneath the mistletoe hanging from Jiwoo's ceiling. She realised Jiwoo had planned all of this and rolled her eyes, unable to wipe the smile off her face as she pointed up at the mistletoe and kissed Jiwoo yet again.

a/n: uwu christmas special

speaking of special chapters
uh,, i may have prewritten a smut chapter
when do you guys want me to post it?
i could post it on christmas as a little gift to yall hard stans if you want 👀

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