"Jiwoo, just ask her to be your girlfriend already," Heejin deadpanned, "Seriously, you're freaking out over nothing. She'll say yes."
Jiwoo threw a pillow and pouted. She was in her sister's room, and she had asked Heejin and Hyunjin for advice. It had been over a month since Jiwoo and Sooyoung admitted they like each other, and they were constantly kissing and cuddling, and Jiwoo was happy – but she felt like there was something off. She and Sooyoung were still friends, and she felt weird about doing this kind of stuff with her best friend.
You don't make out with your best friend. You just don't.
The oldest girl flopped onto the floor and stared at the ceiling. "But what if she says no? I don't want to lose her. We have a good thing going, and I'm not down to screw that up. I trust Sooyoung more than anybody else on the planet–" she glared at her sister. "Don't look so offended, Hyunjin, jeez. Sooyoung knows me better than anyone, so if she decides to leave me, I think I'll have to fake my death to avoid potential humiliation."
"Christ, Jiwoo," Hyunjin complained, "You're catastrophizing again. Even in the incredibly unlikely event that she does decide to leave you, she won't spill your shit. Sooyoung's a good person. So stop being a little bitch and tell her to come over so you can ask her to be your girlfriend."
Jiwoo thanked the other girls and returned to her room across the hall, trying to figure out what to say to Sooyoung.
Jiwoo💖🐧: Hey, if you're not busy do you want to come over?
Jiwoo💖🐧: I miss you or wtv but you aint hear that from me 👀👉👈Ms. Ha Sooyoung: You just saw me on Thursday??
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: But I'd love to see you. My shift ends in half an hour, so I can be at your house in 45Jiwoo💖🐧: Omg you're texting me at work?? Try to keep your job jc I'll see you soon
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: 💕
"Holy shit," Jiwoo whispered. She scrambled to her feet and ran to Hyunjin's room, impatiently barging in.
She immediately regretted it.
Hyunjin sat with her back against the headboard as Heejin straddled her hips, and they practically threw themselves across the room when Jiwoo entered. They tried to act natural, but it was useless. Jiwoo had only seen a few seconds, and it was far too much.
"Fuck, dude," Hyunjin grumbled, "Learn how to knock."
"Whatever, bitch, you can eat your girlfriend's face in a minute." Jiwoo waved her hand dismissively and unlocked her phone. "But for now," she said, "I need help. What the hell does a heart emoji mean?!"
Hyunjin rolled her eyes. "It means, 'get the fuck out of my room and wait for Sooyoung to get here'," she answered.
They both flipped each other off as Jiwoo walked out of the room and Heejin returned to Hyunjin's lap. Jiwoo decided she was already traumatised enough from what she'd just seen and chose to wait on the porch rather than stay inside with her sister. To occupy time, she hummed a quiet song as she tied her hair into two braids. She picked little flowers from the lawn and decorated her braids with them, talking to the flowers – more to herself, really – in a hushed voice to calm herself down. She was busy rehearsing what she'd say in her head, so she didn't hear the car door slam behind her.
"Ma'am," a voice called, "Who gave you the right to be this cute? I'll need to see your permit for that."
Jiwoo stood and ran toward Sooyoung. She held her hands out in the shape of a heart and raised an eyebrow. "I renew this permit annually," she joked, "I know my rights. You, however, don't seem to. I don't see any permit allowing you to be so adorable."
Sooyoung looked from side to side, exaggerating the movement far too much. "I don't have my permit on me," she whispered, "But I have something I think you'll accept instead." She kissed Jiwoo on the forehead and added another flower into her hair.
"Was that a bribe?" She feigned shock. "What kind of officer do you take me for? You're coming with me," she commanded. She grabbed Sooyoung's hand and led her inside, trying to hold back her laughter. Jiwoo loved these little games she and Sooyoung would always play. It was simple and childish, but it made her happy.
The taller girl sat down on the kitchen table and pretended to cry. "Guilty, your honour," she jested, "What's my sentence?"
Jiwoo tapped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "You have to hug me..." she paused as Sooyoung embraced her and swayed gently. "And—"
"Ooh, there's an 'and'?"
"Shh, this is the good part," Jiwoo said. "And you have to..." she buried her face in Sooyoung's coat. "Be my girlfriend."
Sooyoung tapped her on the head. "What was that, peach? I couldn't quite understand what you said."
"Be my girlfriend." She was even quieter this time. Once again, Sooyoung asked Jiwoo to repeat herself.
Jiwoo closed her eyes and took a small step back. "I said I want you to be my girlfriend." She barely managed to force out the words, and even then her hands shook as she did so. She kept her eyes shut tight as she nervously awaited Sooyoung's response.
Sooyoung grazed Jiwoo's cheek with the back of her hand. "Look at me," she whispered. Finally, Jiwoo hesitantly looked up at her. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend," she cooed, "But I have one condition." Jiwoo braced herself for the worst, but relaxed when Sooyoung quietly said, "You have to be my girlfriend."
Jiwoo giggled and threw herself into Sooyoung's arms, planting a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, Sooyoung."

𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 - 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐬
FanfictionNo one is nice just to be nice. They always want something. At least, in Jiwoo's experience. Everyone wants something from her. Everyone except for the cute cashier at the bookstore who bought her lemonade. SHORT CHAPTERS Started: 9 April 2020 F...