Jiwoo woke up on her floor and checked the time. 1:04am. Why hadn't Hyunjin woken her up for dinner? She had a missed call and two unread text messages. With a groan, she rolled over and prepared to delete them, but then she realised who they were all from. Sooyoung.
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: Hey, just checking in. Wanted to make sure you're ok. You ran out kinda fast today
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: I think I overshared today, and I'd like to apologise. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable"What the fuck," Jiwoo whispered. She reread the messages nonstop for the next two minutes before again saying, "what the fuck," only louder this time. Loud enough that Hyunjin heard her from across the hallway.
She poked her head through the doorway and looked down at her sister. "Chuu, what's your problem?" Had her tone not been humorous, Jiwoo might have cried. "I'm on video chat with Heejin and even she can hear you swearing."
Jiwoo looked up and smiled. "Don't even worry about it," she said, "I just saw a really weird meme."
"Can you send it to me?" Hyunjin asked.
The older girl set her phone face down on the carpet. "I already scrolled past it," she whined, "I'm not gonna go meme hunting for you. Now go bother your girlfriend." Hyunjin left with a smile and a wave, shutting her sister's door behind her.
Once more, Jiwoo reread the messages from Sooyoung. Why is she being so nice to me? What am I supposed to say? She considered several options. "Family emergency" would require too much explanation. "I know who you were talking about" was an absolute no. "It's me" was an even bigger no. "I was uncomfortable" would make Sooyoung feel bad. "Songhee is a piece of shit" wasn't likely to be beneficial in any way.
Chuu💖🐧: No worries! You didn't make me uncomfortable at all, I just had to get home because I promised my sister I'd hang out with her and I totally spaced on it.
Chuu💖🐧: Thank you for checking in :) <3Considering the fact that it was past 1am, Jiwoo didn't expect a response. So when she got two messages, she yelped and threw her phone across the room. She crawled over to it and hesitantly unlocked it.
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: Of course. I'm glad you're alright and that I didn't upset you. I hope this doesn't seem too eager, but do you want to hang out again soon?
Songhee: Let's meet tomorrow
Jiwoo carefully considered her responses to both of them.
Chuu💖🐧: Yeah, I'd love to hang out again soon! What do you want to do?
Jiwoo: Fuck off Songhee, I'm not interested

𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 - 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐬
أدب الهواةNo one is nice just to be nice. They always want something. At least, in Jiwoo's experience. Everyone wants something from her. Everyone except for the cute cashier at the bookstore who bought her lemonade. SHORT CHAPTERS Started: 9 April 2020 F...