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Jiwoo limped over the counter. She wasn't supposed to be walking yet, but this was important. She tapped a cashier on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Hi, what can I help you with?"

Jiwoo was suddenly afraid. Why did she care so much? "Is Sooyoung here today?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, I haven't seen her today," he said, "She's scheduled next Wednesday in the afternoon if you want to come see her then."

"Thank you so much!" Jiwoo limped back to the car and decided she'd finally let herself rest for a while.

Eleven days later, the cashier Jiwoo had spoken to – Seungmin – temporarily shut down his register. The boy at the next register could handle being on his own for a few minutes; it was a slow day.

"Hey, stupid," he called into the supply room, "Come here."

Sooyoung emerged from behind a shelf. "Hey, Seungmin." She raised an eyebrow, expecting him to say something. When he didn't, she groaned and tossed her clipboard on the floor. "You know I wasn't actually scheduled to do inventory today, right?"

"Of course," he said, "Sana did inventory last week. I know you're just trying to avoid that girl. Do you want to talk about it?"

"What girl?"

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "You know exactly who I'm talking about," he deadpanned, "The cute little redhead. The loud one with bangs, right?"

Sooyoung crossed her arms. "Fine," she admitted, "I've been avoiding Jiwoo. Happy?"

"Are you two fighting?"

"No... she's just been weird." Sooyoung sat on the floor and leaned against the shelf she was previously hiding behind. "She hasn't come to visit even though she said she would every day. And she sends me the weirdest texts. She's not usually mean like this. Or maybe I just don't actually know her."

Seungmin sat next to her and patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Are you sure you two aren't fighting? And I don't mean arguing," the boy clarified. Sooyoung shook her head. "Well, she's definitely been fighting with somebody, because she came in like a week and a half ago looking for you. It looks like someone beat the shit out of her. Poor girl can hardly walk."

"Holy shit."

Ms. Ha Sooyoung: Hi Jiwoo. I know I've kinda been pushing you away for like a week now but I want to say I'm sorry
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: My friend said you came into the shop looking for me. That was really sweet of you.
Ms. Ha Sooyoung: He said you looked hurt. Are you okay? Can we meet? I need to see you- I'm really worried

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