02|oooh should i be scared

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PS: that's Kylie up there!!

02|ooh should I be scared...

Ivy's POV...

THE PARTY WAS in full groove... Hmm... I would really love to hide right now!!.... I, Demeter and Hera walked around for a while before Kylie left us to get us coke...

I and Michelle just looked around... We sat on the kitchen counter... " Hey! You think we should play a game!?" She yelled over the loud music

"Everybody will obviously want truth or dare" I yelled back

She nodded... I did not like the devils game... That was what made my first kiss worthless... The memory will forever linger...😲...

Kylie came back with 3 cans of coke... She got me cherry coke and ordinary for them.. I love cherry coke...

Now I'm alone!! I don't like crowded places... So literally I don't like school... And words😲

"Oh hey! The Oreo is here" I knew who said that already... One and only Allison and her minions

Allison is pure Canadian.... She's a full time slut.... She has no other job but to put her stupid tongue down other girl's boyfriends throat.... Allison is a volleyball player.... No doubt  she's beautiful but she puts a lot of chemicals on her face like wtf!!?..... And right now she's wearing a tight top that has a from zip that is way down and wearing shorts that are literally like fucking panties..... She doesn't even see the irritated looks on boys when she throws her self at them.... And she also doesn't notice the irritated look on my face when she's been stupid

"Do you really love me to the point of following me every where....slut" I giggled evily

"I will deal with you Oreo" she said

"Oooh should I be scared slut"

"Ha! Yes you should be..
And besides I'm not the slut here... I didn't walk around school naked,Oreo" she said as she smirked... I noticed Kylie and Michelle coming over.... I Gave them I- got- it look... They stopped

"Call me Oreo one more time and you'll go home with a black eye" I said proudly as I jumped of the counter to look her in the eye

Fear flashed through her face! Ha!... Cause she knew I could truly do something but she took that look from her face I will like to give this bitch a black eye "you can't do anything Oreo" she said as she grinned.... THAT'S IT!!...

I lunged at her... I threw a punch straight to her eye... I felt arms around my waist!!..."do not hold me back!!... This bitch has no right to call me Oreo" I said

I threw another punch at her before the arms around me carried on their shoulder... I could feel a crowd forming already

"Drop me down" I kicked and hit the person holding me...

"There is a crowd forming already hazel" he said

The person sat me down on a bench... I looked to see the beautiful brown eyes I've grown to love...

"Calm down Hazel" he told me.. It helped... Drake.... Recently... I and drake we've been having some patches... We didn't see each other a lot during summer... He travelled and I travelled... But I started seeing some posts on his Instagram and we've been having some issues... But we'll get through it... I hope...

I saw all the faces I've grown to love... Worried looks on their faces...

"Are you good?" Kylie asked

"Do you need water?" Michelle and Israel asked at the same time... And they blushed... What the!?

"I want to go home" I said softly...

"Hazel calm down... We'll be leaving soon" Drake tells me...

"I said I want to go home!" I said loudly this time...

"Ivy—" Jordan was cut short..

I stood up and grabbed my bag...
"Michelle my keys!" I said "please go home with Drake"

"No problem" she tossed me my keys....

I left the party to see Finn getting his face sucked up by  Allison... Ugh!!! I groaned...

I drove home and drowned myself with music...

Don't let her get to you.
You have rights too
You are unique
You're not a slut!!
I said to myself as I cried softly...

I got home... At least I'll rest!

On my way to my room I sale Camille... She gave me a knowing look... 'I'll talk to you later'... I nodded...

I saw Ralph on my bed... "Hey little guy" I scratched the back of his ears... He barked..." How was the hospital today?" I asked him..

Samuel took him to the vet today... Ralph was my lovely golden retriever I had... I got him on my last birthday...

He stretched and dog yawned😂... I smiled and put him on his baby(bed)...

I pulled of my clothes.... I never wanted to go anyway...

Camille entered my room... "Hey Athena" I said as I smiled... Camille is a simple but troublesome child... He has wavy brown hair... I think I'm the only one that has curly brown hair....

"Hey Artemis" she said as she laid down on my bed..." What's up?" She said as Ralph came on top of her and she giggled

This girl reads people... I don't know how?.... Oh well

"Well, I was forced to go to a party I didn't want to go"... I started

She gave me the go on look
"And then Allison called me Oreo" I said as I laid down on my back facing the ceiling while she sat up and placed Ralph on the ground.... He gently laid down...

"Oooh... Did you beat her" she asked knowing the answer already.... I looked at her like 'you know already'

"Okay! So you beat her and you came home... Hmm... Do not think about it... You— no we are unique... We might be black but we are unique" she said

"Besides we are brown not black" she winked at me.. And I smiled...

We were Jamaican americans.... We are of afro-caribbean descent... I sincerely do not understand but I really know how to speak Jamaican... I and the rest but Camille doesn't, she didn't spend anytime in Jamaica... Its actually fun... They speak broken English... Wagwaan!... Lol... Bless up!

"Thank you..."


She left my room... I got a text from drake


<< hi

>> you good?

<< I guess... You home already?

>> yeah.... I left after you left

<<sorry I spoilt your fun

>> no problem... Its fine... Gtg... Bye😘

<<😁 bye😘

Drake and I started dating in 10th grade and now we are going into 11th grade... He is gentle,and doesn't rush things... His hazel eyes are mesmerizing.... He treats me with care and he calls me Hazel😁.... He started calling me that because the first time I spoke to him... I just woke up and I was startled and called him hazel 😂... You seriously dont want to hear the story😂... He's a nice guy

I laid down on my bed to think about today... Well DRAMA!! Just forget it.... I stood up to have a shower....hmm this upcoming school year,should be fun

Time for some nice bath💆

Hello!!! You have come to the end of chapter two😋... I hope you liked it😘🖤

Please 🖤 and🗨


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