08|Your new haircut Schneider!

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I don't know how schools in america works but... Accept it..  Love you!


CALLS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE MADE IN THE NIGHT... Why will you disturb my peace in the night... After the bowling.... It was fun bowling... Especially with drake... I'm sorry for the eyes of the alley.... After every hit... It led to a kiss... I liked that moment but we had to drop me home early.... And now I'm been disturbed by who?

I sat up to check my phone on my nightstand as I turned on the lamp on the night stand... I checked my phone to see...

Incoming call.... Demeter🤗🌹

I answered the call"if you're calling me because you can't sleep... Then we shouldn't see each other tomorrow morning" I said feeling still sleepy..

"Ivy—" she was crying..."What happened to you?" I asked already fully awake...

"Please can you come downstairs.... The door" she was crying and she was at my door... I wore my slippers and went downstairs... I opened the door to see crying Michelle...

"Come in... Oh my God!" I said as we went straight to my room without making any noise... She sat on my bed... Her head in her hands... Her shoulders were shaking which showed she was crying... Michelle never cries... Even when her boyfriend broke up with her... For some moving reasons... She only cries when it comes to her family and I loved her for that...

"What happened at home?" I asked... That was the only thing that could make her cry... I sat down beside her and hugged her

"Dad came home and you know how he and Finn never got along... They had a huge argument... So he said something... He said he regrets having Finn as a child then Finn left the house... I just couldn't take it ivy!" She said everything out as she was crying.... Woah! She always cried about Finn and her Dad but Something was obviously wrong... They usually had problems with him traveling all the time... He became distant... We hardly saw Mr Harper... And I know he actually didn't mean what he had said to Finn... But Finn caused it in a way!

"I'm so sorry... Did you speak to Finn... Like to know where he went to?" I asked... That is something I know Finn can do... He can't even put is family together..

"Probably to Chase... I didn't know what to do... He will never hit mom... He only gets all cranky with Finn and when some things don't go his way" she said as she sniffles... Her eyes were puffy and red...

"What did mama B say?" I asked referring to her mom...

"She couldn't separate them so she just yelled at them and went upstairs... Dad thinks everything is money! Business! It isn't!" She cried more... Oh God

"We'll find out together... Don't worry... We have school tomorrow... You don't want to be all Mrs red eyes tomorrow" I said as she laughed a little...

"I'm sorry I disturbed you" she said as I let go of her and played with her hair...

"Shut up and let's sleep... You're smaller than me so... You can still fit into my clothes" I said as I winked at her and she laid down and smiled as I also did the same... I switched off the light...

"Unplanned sleepover uhn?" I said as well both laughed lightly and she said "Give me the deets of the date"

"Good night Michelle" I said as we both laughed and I quickly drifted to sleep... I'm tired!...


"Good morning sleepy head" I knew who it was... Michelle... She wakes up first all the time... I turned to look at her and I saw her smiling... No... Grinning... Like a child... She was sunshine I was moonshine... I hate day!

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