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"Wake up! Wake up aunt Ivy!" Gabriel and Gabrielle shook me as I groaned.

These two are little trouble! Jordan and Kylie totally forgot about my birthday to go for a stupid vacation and made me babysit because I had graduated and was a lazy ass.

I sat up to face them grinning with chocolate smeared on their face.

"I told you not to take chocolate didn't I?" I asked as they pointed to each other and I huffed.

Gabriel had exact color of Jordan's hair and has Kylie's eyes and looks like Kylie a lot. He is as shy as Jordan.

Gabrielle is the exact opposite! She's just 2 and she's beat up one of her classmate that pulled out her ponytail and damn! She's a stepper. She has exactly like Kylie's hair but looked like Jordan alot!

Kim came into the room with the tip of her hair dripping of chocolate. Dear God.

Kim is Kylie's sister.... Looks exactly like Liz and few months younger than Gabriel and Gabrielle.

Kim is a wonderful noise maker! She likes singing anything she hears on TV!

"Let's get you guys to the bathroom" I huffed as I checked my phone.

This world! Only Finn had called to wish me happy birthday! We were still going strong and we decided to go to the same college.

But he will gone before I even leave for college cause of his basketball thing. We haven't talked about it but we good.

Izzy was in college now... Doing some great shit.... His name is literally every where on the news. Camille is also Damn! I'd say She's like the Kylie Jenner of our family.

Annalise had to go back to rehab last year but she's back now and promised all of us to be good.... She started dancing again.

Amelia and Tristan are still going strong.... Very strong!

Chloe and Charlotte are now world wide sensations....

I am me! Just kidding.... I got verified on Instagram which is also paying me. I have my very own Cosmetic and clothing line. Thanks to mom I really knew what I wanted.

I wanted to be a lawyer and be my own boss at the same time and I'm doing just that.

Chase is moving to Italy.... For God knows why! Only I and Finn knows.... Charlotte doesn't know! At all.

Overall, we're all good.

Kim started yelling whatever song she heard just this morning and I sighed as I washed out the chocolate from her hair.

Gabrielle ran out of the bathroom naked.

"Gab!" I called after her as I heard her giggle to the living room.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled even the ones in the bathroom.

I was shocked as I covered my face to avoid them seeing me cry.

I noticed all the faces there.

"Zeke!" I squealed as I hugged him and he laughed as he held me in place.

"Jasmine" I hugged her as she giggled.

"I've missed you guys! Zach" I said as I hugged him tight and he chuckled.

Kylie, Jordan, Bethany and Phillip came in. Phillip is Bethany's husband.

They came in with a trolley and a cake.

"Mommy!" Gab and Gabe squealed as they ran to hug her and Kim hugged my leg as Kylie called her over.

She smiled and timidly walked over to hug Jordan and Kylie.

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