05|use protection

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05| use protection...

I KEPT GLANCING AT my phone bit still nothing.... They were all playing different games... It was funny watching Caleb beat Izzy in fifa19... Lol... And it was funny watching Chloe and Camille playing charades with Jordan and Kylie and Michelle talking about random things... I wasn't paying attention...

"You know if you keep staring at your phone I might have to collect it from you" Michelle said as she placed her head on my lap staring up at me

"I'm not staring at my phone" I laughed and lied nervously...

"We know you ivy... What's up?" Kylie said as she leaned in closer and I gave her a look that said 'move back woman'.. But she didn't budge...... They were both looking at me with pity... I didn't want that at all...

"Um... I saw drake today and—" I was cut short...

"We saw! Basically Michelle was quite more nosy today... She decided to follow you" Kylie said as Michelle glared at her...

"Do not think about it... He might truly not have anything to do with her... She's just his friend.. I guess that's what he said?" Michelle said... As I nodded

"But he hasn't texted me yet" I said

"Do not bother Artemis... He is going to text soon just wait" Kylie said as I smiled...

"Thank you guys" I said

"I know... You can't breathe without us... We know" Michelle said as she dramatically wipe tears that weren't even there...

We actually took ice cream and all that... We forgot about drake until when they left....

I took a look at my phone and nothing... I decided to call....

Ring ring ring ring

"Hello" I said first

"Hello hazel... How are you doing?" He said like nothing happened....

"You promised to call why didn't you call? I said

" I'm sorry... I was so busy today... You know back to school and all..." He said

"You could have just come with all of us today" I said

"I had to go with my... Um friend cause of mom" he said as he stuttered when he said the friend....

"When did you meet her... You didn't tell me you had a new friend" I said

"Oh... I'm sorry... She also plays soccer.." He said


"You have nothing to worry about hazel, I am only for you..." He said and I'm very sure he smirked"I won't play you... I'm really not like that "

"Okay... If you say so" I said...

"Let's hang out tomorrow"he said

"Yeah" I said as heard 'Ow' come from someone "I'll call you back"

I hung up... What is going on?

I opened my door to see Camille on top of Izzy and Jordan laughing with Izzy's phone in his hands...

Camille was pinching Izzy and hitting him.... I was laughing too...

"What did he do?" I said while laughing...

"He... Came to my room and stupidly scattered my shelves and he dared me to hit him... That he is more powerful" she said breathlessly...

I and Jordan laughed harder....

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