21|You speak gibberish now

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TODAY WAS QUITE eventful! And I got a 95% on my government!! I was expecting a full 100% for doing late night assignment.

Coincidentally, everyone in the class got 95% even chase that needed someone to the assignment for him. I gave Charlotte an all knowing look... She just sighed!

Chase hasn't started talking to her or us, I wasn't even bothered.... Maybe cause of what I heard, he might want to support his best Friend..... I was hoping Annalise didn't have to leave today or this week at all. Amelia was leaving today, Tristan was going back tomorrow.

I parked my car, Camille didn't come home with me today. She had a basketball practice and I was already done with my Volleyball practice.

I put my fingerprint on the door and it opened, I stepped in and went straight to the kitchen, I saw my mom sitting there not even noticing I was inside. She was crying! I dropped my bag and sat near her... I held her hand and she flinched and quickly cleaned her face.

"Oh ivy, When did you get back?" She asked with a very obvious forced smile....

"Just now. What happened to you?" I asked her

"Ivy, you just got back.... Go to your room and shower" She said as she offered me a smile again...

"Mom! Tell me ,what's wrong?" I said as I stared at her..... She sniffles....

"We are falling apart..... Our family is falling apart! Annalise is......... Still going back to rehab" She said... I felt myself starting to cry too...

I was expecting some good news from Annalise....

"Your Dad hardly has time again, work all the time..... I'm stressed ivy, Jordan and your dad is another case on it's own" She said and she quickly cleaned her tears and looked at me...

"You don't have to cry, it's not your fault..... It's mine, I haven't been–––"

"No mom! You've been the best mom you could ever ask for! Dad has something stuck up his ass! Okay? He thinks he can keep going on and off! Is he home?" I said it all out.... I will go to Annalise later....

"Ivy, you don't have to.... But yes he is" She answered... I stood up immediately and stomped all the way to dad's office.

I didn't knock.... I entered straight! He was sitting looking at whatever and he looked up.

"Weren't you taught to knock?" He said.... No sign of happiness to see his daughter...

"And didn't you teach us to put family first?" I snapped back at him....

"Ivy! I'm not ready for this, so please leave" He said as he removed his glasses...

"I am ready for this Dad! What is wrong with you? We all of a sudden lost our Dad! Even when we have one..... You became distant, heartless. Even if you don't care about us! How about mom? Did you even know your wife was crying?" I said all out as I started crying softly.... At the part of mom crying, he was surprised.... So he didn't know?

"You can't just walk in here accusing me of what I do not know of!" He said in his all daddy tone!

"Because! You are so engrossed in your work! Mom has freaking work too!" I raised my voice at him.

"Ivy! To your room now!" He raised his voice at me.... Something he has never done before.... Mess up!


"Ivy! I won't repeat myself, to your room" He said as I started crying and left his office... I opened the door to see Jordan standing by the door...

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