07| it's not my fault a thirteen year old boy screams....

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07| its not my fault a thirteen year old boy screams sex appeal!...

I HAD AN HOUR TILL DRAKE WILL BE AT my door.... And my two best friends that were not even going on the date are here freaking out... We got back 30 minutes ago.... I dyed my hair... Black then the tips blue... I felt like going with that color. Kylie chose a short nude colored nail with little black heart ♥ designs on them. It was nice. I liked it... Michelle dyed her hair but it was hidden... She did a hidden rainbow dye hair... So it only shows when she packs a half pony tail.. It was nice tho, but Kylie didn't get anything... She and Michelle got acrylic nails but different colors... Most people wonder why seacost academy allows nails and all that... It was a private school and basically we have spoilt rich and stupid kids at this school... I don't really or basically I don't like makeovers but I had a date... The least I could do was to try!

"Will you two shut the hell up!" I yelled at the two that were battling over what to wear in my closet... They turned to look at me..." We are just helping" Kylie said

"Thank you, but you're stressing... Its not like he is taking me to a fancy restaurant" I said as I also used my hands to talk...

"Okay" Michelle said as she turned to look at Kylie " breathe" she said and the two of them did breathe...

"Thank God! Now pick my style" I said as I sat on the table in the middle of my closet... I was staring at myself in the mirror facing me....

"Okay... So Michelle pick the jeans or whatever she'll wear down... And I'll pick the top" she said as they both went to were to pick my clothes... I was wondering why I was so calm about this date.

"I got one" Kylie announces and I turned to face her... She came with a blue crop top that had a glitter star in the middle...

"Okay" I said as I nodded and she dropped it on the table and looked behind me to see what Michelle was doing...

" found any—" she was cut short by " yeah! I hope its good" Michelle said... She doesn't believe in herself that she actually dresses well... She came with high waisted denim shorts but they weren't too shorts for me to wear...

"Now we are all happy! Aren't we?" I said as I picked the clothes and stared at them... And they both stuck out their tongue at me and I shook my head...

"You know you can't do anything without us..." Michelle said " I never said I could... Did I?" I said as I entered my bathroom to brush my teeth...

I came out to see Kylie and Michelle on their phones.... "So because I have my hair done... Now your phones deserves more atten—" I was cut short by Camille's scream... Oh God!

She came into my room"What!?" I asked as she was staring at her phone while Kylie and Michelle kept looking at her too... I just rolled my eyes and put on my top...

"So! Have you seen the recent post of Lucas?" She said as I stared at her... Who was that?... I put on my shorts as I watched Michelle stare at Camille like she's crazy... And Kylie immediately jumped... And squealed and they kept jumping.... Then it clicked...

"Wait! Do you mean that model that is Camille's age?" I asked as I walked into my closet... And Michelle just went back to her phone... She wasn't the Instagram  type... And I loved her just the way she was.....

"Yes!" They both squealed..." Kylie!! You're a fucking pedophile!" I yelled from my closet as I bent to pick some comfortable sneakers..

"Its not my fault a thirteen year old boy screams sex appeal... He doesn't even look his age" she said as she plopped down on my bed.... And we all laughed

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