49|You have a nice ass

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49|You have a nice ass

WE WERE ALL WEARING the ugly sweater and groaning as we made our way downstairs.

We might hate the ugly itchy sweaters but we loved that it was a family thing.... Even Gigi wore it.

Camille skipped to pick every gist from everyone.

I walked over in my fuzzy socks as I saw quite a lot of boxes... Dear God. I loved it, that was the benefit of having hundreds of loved ones.

I sat down unwrapping each box. I got.

A mood changing headset... Wow! From Annalise.

A set of lingerie from Kylie with a note that said these are the ones we got you but your intentionally kept it in my bag. Merry Christmas x

I rolled my eyes as I opened the next one.

It was a dolce and Gabbana dress from Camille.

A whole box of lip balms and glosses from Charlotte.

"This will last a lifetime" I mumbled.

A concert ticket from Calvin and Lucas. To a post Malone! Holy cow! I saw two though. With a note that said. Go with whoever... Wink;)

I laughed.... I got a wristwatch from Chase.

A full box of scrunchies from Amelia... I looked at her as she shrugged and I smiled and mouthed an I love you sis to her.

A charcoal painting by Bethany

A camera from Zachary... I smiled as I checked the camera... I loved it.

A picture of all my siblings in one picture, from Izzy and Jordan.

A Nike air from Caleb and Noah.... Even though I had it, I still loved it.

A ticket to Spain from Jason! I squealed as I showed everyone. I was surprised cause he wrote

These are fake tickets... I'll get you the real ones when mama k says yes

A butterfly necklace from Finn... It was beautiful, I wore it immediately and thanked my family for every gift they had given me.

I had bought gifts for everyone too even Allison... I ordered it though.

We sang Christmas songs before taking tons of pictures and doing the family Christmas game.

The game was to make a gingerbread house from sweets and as always Amelia and Annalise always won.

Camille just ate all our sweets.

I received a call from an unknown number.

I excused myself"Hello"

"Hey Ivy" I knew that voice too well... My crush even before I dated Finn.

Noah Acosta.

I liked him since 2nd grade... Crazy right? And here he was calling me.

"Hey!" I said with excitement as he chuckled.

"How are you? Merry Christmas" He said as I said mine back.

"How have you been?" I asked as we kept on talking.

"You're coming back to America?" I asked very excited to see him.

"Yup" He said and I squealed.

"Oh wow... Talk to ya later" I said as we said our goodbyes.

One thing you should know... Finn hates him. For what I don't know.

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