22|Smack em' in the balls!

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Finn's POV (shocker!!?)

I ENTERED THE LUNCH room all eyes on me.... I arrived late, I wasn't in school and then I arrived now? I didn't care....

I looked over to my Friend's table. They make me happy but the happy me is gone, I break hearts now. Mine has been broken enough, I've been sad enough.

I walked over as they all stared at me like I've grown two heads, I looked over to my twin sister and she stared at me. She was angry at me....

"If you're going to have twin telepathy...... Its creepy!"Izzy said as I scoffed at him and Caleb hit him upside the head...

"Michelle, outside now" I demanded but I didn't use my harsh tone.... Or she won't budge...

"Why?" I looked at her, she was pale.... Thin..... We had a lot of things in common.... Even our eyes but she never liked the gray eyes and it annoyed me. She always wore contacts...

"Don't make this hard and get up" I said almost getting ticked off.... She scoffed as she mumbled something and Kylie and Charlotte laughed as I looked at them... They stopped... Jordan scoffed and I almost laughed. As he lowly high fived me.

"Like the hair Kylie" I said as she looked at me and squinted before saying thank you...

I held my sister's hand.... It was frail.... She snatched her hand away from mine.... I sighed

"What?finn"  she said as she slowly said my name...

"Look, I'm sorry and you know! How do you expect me to live in the same house as that man"

"That man is our Dad" she stated and I groaned... "I've lost my twin brother, all he cares about is his reputation and keeps brooding on some old man"

"Grandpa is not just an old man.... Aren't you seeing this at all? That I'm not happy"

"I'm not happy too finn... I miss my twin! And he's gone.... I can't stand you" I groaned... As she looked at me...

"What happened to you? You're um... Lean" I said as I looked at her...

"Oh because of my brother! Your friend Tony did this.... He made me think I wasn't good enough... But thanks to my friends that became a substitute of my brother... I realized he wasn't worth it" She said it all out.... I was angry now! What!?

"Anthony did this to you!?" My voice boomed in the hallway...

"Yes and you better go save ivy too" She said and I really don't know but at the mention of  ivy's name... I was seeing red!

I stormed off and left Michelle standing there....

I turned to see Anthony pinning ivy to a locker and he cut her hand!!.... He's so dead...

"Do what I wa––" He was cut short by my punch.... I threw a punch to his jaw...

I pinned him down and beat him.... Punch. That's for Michelle, punch. That's for Ivy. Punch.  That's for ivy again! But why?

The jerk was still laughing.... I wanted to hit him more...

"I see you're not affected from the fight yesterday, but your scrawny best friend is" He said as I glared at him...

Nobody calls chase scrawny.....

"Tony! Leave! Now! Off school property today!" I said with anger....

"Of course" He said as he wiped blood of his Lip.... He stood up and laughed.... And gave ivy a big wet kiss on her cheek.... I clenched my fist! No one touches her....

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