39|Let's kick some ass together

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39|Let's kick some ass together!

I WASN'T A MESS BUT MY ROOM was, I hadn't left my room since yesterday and now the day was ending.

My lovely best friends Came in personally to drop either a tube of ice cream, Doritos, cheetos and sliced watermelon.

"Ivy honey, Your sister just called to inform us of her arrival and she surprisingly had arrived since Friday which is still so confusing she didn't tell me but please just leave this room" Mom said as she put her head through the door.

"No thank you, I don't want to see him cause I know he's still here... I have question" I said as I raised my head from my bed.


"Did it have to happen twice? It happened so fast.... Yes I know, I know! He didn't break my heart cause we were not dating but you know how much I take promises seriously! Ugh! Never mind... I might go for a walk not now but maybe later. Bye mom" I said as I put my head back down.

I heard mom grunt and closed my door.

Am I over thinking? Am I thinking wrongly? He obviously cheated while we were together back then... It was just so obvious. Then he called me names and all those shit.

Maybe he really did it? Maybe he didn't?

I need to take a walk before I get frustrated.

I cleared up some things in my room, I wore an oversized beige sweatshirt with a black beanie on my head with a basic jean.

I went with my headset... I picked my phone and few change.

I got downstairs to see my siblings watching TV and mom working on whatever.

"I'll be outside for some minutes" I announced

"Be careful ivy" Mom said as I nodded and left the house.

I wish Ralph was here! I could get him for myself next week.

I went to my favorite park close to the house.... I just loved it.... It's peaceful.

I sat down on the bench, I took in a deep breath and listened to my playlist.

🎶could you find a way to let me down slowly🎶

🎶A little sympathy I hope you can show me, if you leave and I'll be so lonely🎶

I took In my surroundings and saw a paper on the bench. Yes! I picked it... I'm always curious.

Stand up and keep walking following the papers

That was what was in the paper but I felt like it was talking to me so I did walk.

I saw another one with my favorite cup of smoothie.

Thank me later. Here it goes... Your hair, its like my favorite thing about you, then maybe your smile. It defines you, it can be tamed but not for long. Its wild and never frizzy.❤

I smiled and kept waking as I sipped on my smoothie.

I saw another paper that said

Your smile is my little ray of sunshine... It makes me happy and I still don't know why but its beautiful.

I giggled and saw another paper on the floor...

Your eyes, its so you! It's like a mood changing eyes. Deep brown when you're angry, Hazel when you're happy or normal. Brown when you're sad. It suits you and I want to see them hazel for the rest of my life.

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