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40| Coincidence.

"HAPPY NEW MONTH!" Annalise and Camille chimed as I groaned and put my pillow above my Head. It's too early.

"Isn't this too early?" My voice came out muffled as I groaned more.

Annalise been at home made mornings worse! It was always loud and now Jordan had successfully left the so called 13th grade.

I gasped as warm water touched my body... I'm so goimg to kill them.

"Run!" Annalise yelled as she and Camille flew out my door.

"Yeah! You better run!" I chased them down stairs to the kitchen, Anna his behind Mom and Camille in the pantry.

"Do not even think of going near my pantry!" Mom reprimanded and I stopped.

"Mom! They woke me up! You know I hate that!" I said as she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow that I'm jealous of.


"10:00am! Not pm!" Annalise shrieked as she and Camille giggled.

"Exactly, Go have your bath" Mom said and I scowled at the two of them.

"I hate you guys!" I huffed as I stomped up to my room. I hate been disturbed.

I looked at my hair in the mirror and ran my hand through it. I had dyed it already... And My piercings were coming today. I, kylie and Michelle were going for it today.

I decided to go for blonde and blue... The tips of my hair is blue. Finn had told me he would have preferred red but he likes the blue too.

And he's also stopping me from getting my tattoo now... For God knows why.... I threw a fit when he told me not to get it.

I had my bath and morning routine... Then I'm done.

"Yes? How can I help you?" I asked Annalise as she came inside.

She rolled her eyes "I miss Amelia!!!! I can't even go out with you guys... Always with Kylie or Michelle or Chloe or Charlotte" She huffed and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"What happened to Jordan?" I asked as I walked into my closet.

"He's busy with college close to his so called new home" She said as she tried on my hats.

"Help him with that... Or you can come with us today" I suggested as she perked up.

"Really?" She asked as I laughed.

"That was why you came here, you were bored.... So just go change" I said as she rolled her eyes and smacked my head.

"Airhead" I mumbled as she left my room.

My phone rang and I didn't even bother to check it, cause I knew who it was.

"Yes? You are on your way here to see my brothers with Chase I know" 

"Dear God... I wanted to ask if you wanted Chick-A-Fil?" He asked as I was suddenly happy at the mention of Chick-A-Fil.

"You're the best" I said with a smile knowing his head would be to large to pass through my door.

"I know.... Obviously" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Bye" I said as we laughed and ended the call.

I wore a basic black tee with high waisted blue denim jeans with a denim blue jacket... I wore my orange beanie... I can't risk having a cold.

"No, this is just wrong...  We're not leaving the house wearing the same thing, we are not twins" I said as Annalise groaned.

"Coincidence!" She said as she pouted at me and I scowled.

"You'll get wrinkles on time" She said as I sighed.

"Let's just go"


"Can I have something to make me sleep, so I won't feel the pain?" I asked the lady that was doing the piercings for us.

"We'll surely do that, Please come this way" She said as she left us to the surgery room. Lol.

"That leads me to why are you and Annalise wearing the same thing?" Charlotte asked as Annalise raised her head up from talking to Kylie's bump.

"I don't even know!" We said at the same time.

"How do you even have the same outfit?"

"We don't know" we said again at the same time.

"Jordan is your wrong twin brother" Kylie said to Annalise as we laughed.

"What piercings are you getting?" The lady asked us as we all hummed.

"Cartilage" Charlotte and Kylie said at the same time.

"Cartilage and belly" I and Michelle said as we all looked at Anna.

"I'm not getting anything... Just here for a tattoo" She said as we nodded.


"Yeah! I know right?" Kylie said as she saw Annalise' tattoo...  She got a Pig and a Jamaican flag on her hand.

"Why the hell did you waste money for a pig?" I kept asking and she just brushed me off.

"Dear God!" I huffed as well entered Her car.

"Are we all forgetting Nathan?" Kylie mentioned and we stopped talking.

"Oh!" We all remembered as Annalise shook her head.

"Smh for you guys" She said as she shook her head again and we all laughed.

"Is he still at rehab?" Michelle asked and Annalise went silent.

"Yeah he is then" She mumbles as we all fell into an awkward silence.

"Remind me to call everyone... We're burning down Ivy's house" Kylie said and we turned to look at her.

"Go home and burn your own house okay?" I and Annalise said at the same time and we laughed.

"Geez! Creepy sister bond"

"Yours is on the way" We all mumbled as she sighed.

"Baby Xavier, when you come out..... Come with all the sass for this silly aunties" She spoke to her tummy.

"Crazy" Charlotte mumbled.

"I heard Allison was pregnant" Michelle piped up

"And her sister has cancer" Annalise said and they were surprised.

"I didn't know" I said...  No matter the history I and Allison had, I'd never tell them about this large secret that could scar her if it ever got out.

"We shouldn't tell anyone" Kylie said as we nodded.

"Obviously" Michelle mumbled.

"I'm sorry but there's this Emma girl Izzy has been talking about.... What am I missing?" Annalise asked as she took a turn.

"I hate her"

"We hate her" Kylie and Charlotte said in unison.

"We have no choice but to like her" I and Annalise stated and they rolled their eyes.

"Remind me to pluck out those eyes... Doctor Ivy" Annalise said as we laughed.



I know short! But I hope you liked? And wow! 40 chapters Already! I deserve some accolade.

Vote. Comment and share.

Love Tomi❤.

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