06| it wont last

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06| " it won't last! "

THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN TO you in the morning is waking up to see your self on the floor.... But when ever I find my self on the floor I'm always happy because... It means I slept well.... I was so happy because the boys were not meeting at our house today and I didn't have to go through the Kylie and Michelle morning wrath and I was also going on a date.... Oh well.... Good morning ivy!...

I stood up to see Ralph on my bed just staring at the wall and looking adorable... When I got him they were all telling me weird names to give him... Like B.I.G which mean billy ian the great and I'm like... What!?... They also gave me names like Caleb, Chase... To name my literal first child after them... Those stupid boys..... I carried him and player with him before he followed me into the bathroom to brush my teeth... And he kept circling round my bathroom...

My bathroom was large... It was decorated with turquoise and black... My favorite colors but my room wasn't that color and it wasn't pink either... I'm not a pink girl... I brushed my hair... I didn't shower because I was taking Ralph for a morning walk and I will obviously sweat... Sun!! I was more of a morning moonshine than sunshine... Nobody  was awake... Thank God!

I got to the gate to see the guards staring at me like I was going to run away... I stared at them to... Staring contest until my favorite one spoke up... "Good morning ivy" Samuel said.. As he smiled at Ralph and I... I smiled back as Ralph wiggled his tail... Sometimes I feel he understands human language...

"I'm taking Ralph for a walk... Not far from here... You  know where... Don't you?" I said all at once...

"Yeah" he said as he told one of them to open the gate for me... Samuel has been working with us since his father was here... He's like a son too... He's 2 years older than me or 3 I guess...

I stepped out to see other people too... I played my playlist of 'Ralph walk'... I have playlist of literally everything...

'Die for me' by post Malone was playing... I was a Malone fan... A big one...

I help Ralph by his leash... And he kept wiggling his tails and I smiled and I kept thinking of how this upcoming school year will be like... I must get straight A's again... I always get them but I like telling my self I must... I do not behave like straight A student... Literally the friends I keep... We were all straight A students... So I'm not always worried for them... But we were always naughty in school... Only Chase, Jordan and Finn have gotten suspended... Its a long story and they all got suspended the same time...

I noticed someone trying to keep up with me... I increased my pace and took a shorter way to where I was taking Ralph... So I took a turn by the corner and put my hood over my head and Ralph looked back and barked... I turned round to feel someone bump into me... My hood still covering my face a little

"Hey! Watch it" I said as I faced the person and I removed my hood... To see Jason grinning like an idiot in front of me with his golden retriever...

"Are you stupid?" I asked him as he was still grinning " if you keep grinning... I'll run and call you a mad man trying to steal " I said as I smirked at him..

"You're a weird specie" he said as he looked at me smiling

"You call me weird specie when you're the one grinning like an idiot by, I think 7 in the morning and chasing a girl" I said as I stared at him

He scoffed and rolled his eyes" where are you headed?" He asked as he looked at Ralph and his dog.. Speaking animal!

"Park" I said as I leaned against the door of a flower shop... People were starting to come out...

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