19|Tu Es Stupide

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Dedicated to Vixy29

19|Tu es stupide

PS: that's Annalise up there... What do ya think!?

THE PARTY WAS COMING TO AN END and that I was grateful for... Mom and Dad had the plan to end the party by 7pm... The teenager party, there weren't a lot of teenagers there.... I was also grateful for that! There was no Allison drama! 

The party was smooth! Dancing, and all sort even making out.... My friends kept looking at I and Jason... We didn't talk about it but just flow with it. The most surprised people were Tristan, Amelia and Annalise... Zeke wasn't surprised at all. I didn't glance at Finn again and I decided to enjoy the night... We were all sweaty from dancing... I could already sense Fall.

I left the gathering of my friends to look for Annalise, she wasn't there anymore... They were all going to leave on Tuesday, so we needed to talk.

I decided to go to the dance room that was practically for Annalise! Yes! She USED to dance... But not anymore... She was a very good dancer until Flora decided to cause pain..

I pushed the door open.... The lights were on... I stepped in and I remembered that Mom made sure this place was clean always... I was fully in the room... I didn't turn but I heard sniffling... I could have gotten a whiplash with how fast I turned...

I saw my sister sitting there on the floor.... Crying. She raised her head and saw me... Her eyes were red and puffy.... I walked over to her and hugged her... She hugged me back and kept crying...

We always did this when anyone of us cried... It helps a lot... Just cry it all out...

“she saw me cry again” She said as she disentangled herself from me...

"Flora?" She nodded and I sighed "What did she say?" .

"She said I'll never be perfect and she said being a dancer is not for me.... She was just talking about how much of a failure I was" She said it all out...

I groaned "Nobody is fucking perfect! Nobody can ever be perfect? And you Annalise is an amazing dancer! You might have had issues with carrying your body to dance but now you can! It's your dream.... Okay!?"

"You should be a motivational speaker" She said as she lightly laughed and I smiled....

"Working on it"

"She should really not get to you.... You always thought me to be strong... I really don't want to see my inspiration cry" I said as I smiled at her she looked up at me and smiled at me... And then I got sad...

"You're... Um..... Leaving on Tuesday?" I asked... Knowing fully well it was a yes...

"Yes" She said as she sighed and I also sighed... She hugged me unexpectedly and I immediately responded... We stayed like that.

"A little sister moment going on there? I wanna join" Amelia said as she rushed over as she giggled and we laughed and we all cuddled up... The three persons hug turned into an all girls hug! And we all liked it...

"Party is ending in 10minutes people" Michelle announced.... She was the time tracker.... It wasn't weird to me anymore...

"And we were hugging for—" She was cut short by

"We don't care! Time tracker!" Kylie yelled as Michelle started making faces at her....

"Enough... Children" I said as I rolled my eyes and we all laughed... I hopped on Kylie.... She grunted... I giggled

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