12| talk holy...

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A\N: So are you enjoying this story at all? Are my readers alive? This story might be short or long... But sorry for this short chapter🤗🤗

12|talk holy...

WHAT I'M FEELING IS SOMETHING that I can't figure out... I'm beyond exhausted... I feel like the whole world was unexpectedly placed on my shoulder... I'm very sure I'd still be crying if not for Jason... I spend the rest of the last period with him... Of him telling me his stupid jokes... Telling me about his summer holiday and trying to make me laugh... I did at some point but I spaced out at some points too... Why did all this have to happen... Why didn't it just happen after mom and dad's anniversary... Whatever Finn said to me wasn't a major thing to me anymore... Drake basically destroyed it all... I was expecting to run into his arms and he'll console me even in his sick state instead I ran into betrayal... I ran into pain...

After school, I didn't wait to talk to anyone of my friends... Camille can go him with either Jordan... I didn't want to know what happened with my brothers and the two assholes that were meant to be dealt with... I walked straight to my car but I noticed stares from everyone... But I just had to be stopped by one hell of a bitch....

She and her minions stepped in my path... I stopped... To listen to the shit that will obviously come out of her mouth...

"If it isn't the annoying and naive bitch.." She said as she smirked.. I rolled my eyes and put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie

"What do you want?" I demanded... She was wasting my precious time...

"To tell you you'll never have anything to do with Finn again... You will always be a naive bitch... You really don't take notice of things don't you?" I scoffed...

"See bitch! You know you want to be in my position... You want boys to want you not you wanting them... You want the attention I get without even trying to lie or trying to be a slut... Barbie doll! That name suits you okay...? You make yourself up and cover those bags under your eyes with cosmetics!" I spat at her... I know I'll hit that nerve one day...

"Basically... I pity your parents slut... They are probably tired of you spending their money on things that will make you be like an high school goddess or no! Be like fucking me! What is your problem?" I wasn't done... I made sure to see the look on her face... She had so many emotions running down her face... She opened her mouth and closed it... I then looked at the two idiots at her back with anger flowing through me. 

"And you two! What the fuck are you doing with your life...? All you came to school was to get into the pants of the guys... Really? Is that it?... Then you met 'barbie doll' and you decided to join her train of sluts...? I pity you so much..." I said as I tried calming myself down... The two girls literally rolled their eyes and scoffed...

"You're nothing compare to me ivy... You'll always be a—" she was cut off by...

"Shut the fuck up bitch" Camille...

"And who are you to tell me that..?"

"I'm her sister if you didn't know and basically I could feel your saliva from a mile away... So shoo away chicken" she said as she smirked and folded her hands in front of her... I stop there just looking at her...

"I see... You want to be like your slutty sister" she said as she pouted and I just scoffed "good luck with that... It won't help darling" she said as she glared at both of us and left with her minions that did the same thing... I rolled my eyes and I put my hood over my head to leave but Camille pulled me back... I'm not ready for a pep talk...

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