44|We'll need a crib for him

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44|We'll need a crib for him

Camille was yelling in the hallway. Remind me to wake up early to pour ice cold water on her.

A round of shut ups went round, She let herself into my room as I groaned.

"What do you want? It's not Christmas yet! Not even the eve" I asked not facing her.

"Just get up! Lazy ass... By the way, I'll be leaving for a shoot on Christmas Eve, mom moved it to Christmas Eve cause of Chloe's dance thing." She said as I happily got up.

"No Camille on Christmas Eve!" I opened my door as I yelled In the hallway.

"I'm hurt" she said with fake hurt and I gave her a fake smile.

"Leave" I muttered as she made herself comfortable on the bed. Then I remembered.

"Has Jordan gone?" I asked as she shook her head and I sighed.

"But Mom and Stevie left to arrange... Due to the fact, Jordan is a lazy ass." She said "And it proves the point that I'm the hardworking one"

Camille talk alot! Oh my days! I ignored her and walked into the bathroom.

Thankfully, Camille had left my room.

I picked my phone to see a message from Finn.

Bozo🙈💜: Good morning sweetheart 💋

Bozo🙈💜(2): I'll be picking you up by 3... Mom wants to have lunch with you.

Bozo🙈💜(3):Come with party clothes too... Zach has a party😂🙄

I raised my eyebrows at the second message. For?

Me: Why does she want to see me? Did I do something wrong?

Me(2):FYI, We're leaving that party when I want to.

I do not like parties and Zach's parties are not safe ones.

Bozo🙈💜:Idk, Just chill
Bozo🙈💜(2):BOSSY! yes ma'am 🙄

I rolled my eyes as I dropped my phone to dress up.

I wore a long sleeve peach colored shirt with a denim jean. I wore a cream sweater and a black beanie. I wore my winter UGGs.

I put my hair in space buns, when I dyed it. It became really soft and easy to pack.

I went downstairs to see my adorable siblings eating without serving mine. Adorable my ass.

I rolled my eyes at them as I served myself.

"Jason called to tell us he wants to talk to us at the school basketball court by 1" Izzy Informed us as I raised my head.

"Why didn't he call Ivy instead?" Annalise asked the question I wanted to ask.

"I don't know" Izzy knew something but I let it slide.

"Let's go kids" Annalise said as we looked at her and laughed.

"That's your kid" Izzy said as he pointed at Jordan.

Annalise tapped Jordan as we laughed"Kid, let's go"

We got into the car "Home here I come" Annalise said as we laughed.


The first thing I noticed was the peaceful environment, on our way here... There was a park with a fountain in the middle and kids running round and laughing.

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