16|Sign my butt!

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PS: that's Chase up there! What do ya think?

16|Sign my butt!

MOM STAYED TRUE TO HER WORD! One word to describe that woman is integrity.... Her yes is yes and No is No.... You don't want to mess with her.... She woke all of us up... By 4am! Now we were all on the corridor staring at the chaos.... The girls our hairs were standing in all directions... With half closed eyes.... The boys...their hairs were pointing in all directions and their eyes wide open staring at the event planner barking out order....

"Are we just going to stand here?" Zeke said as we all regained our composure....

"Kitchen here we come!" Annalise yelled as she pointed to the kitchen.... We heard Mom laughing.... How will she be energetic by 4 am....?

I could smell baking of something... Probably the desserts were being prepared....

"Kylie!?" We all yelled... And we busted out laughing and Kylie, Mom and Kylie's Mom stared at us while Kylie dropped whatever was in her hand.... We laughed again....

"Why did you all scream my name!?" She yelled and playfully scowled at us...

"How are you active by 4?" I asked as Annalise and Amelia went to hug Liz... Kylie's mom and Zeke talked to her.... I could see Liz in Kylie.... Calm and collected but can be jumpy.... I walked over to the coffee machine to make coffee.... From the corner of my eye.... I swear I saw Jordan peck Kylie! She was grinning widely now while mixing the batter.... He then placed his hand on his waist and lightly Gave it a squeeze.... Wait what!? Not only me saw that... Annalise and Amelia saw it.... They stared at me and we all shrugged at the same time.... I laughed at the thought of Kylie dating someone again! Its gonna be long.... I went back to coffee.... Black strong one!

I served everyone apart from mom and Liz.... Now we were all awake... The party starts by 3:30.... Plenty of time!.... We were all helping with the decorations of the ballroom and the living room.... I won't be cleaning this after the party.... Thats for sure!

"Hey there sis" Zeke said as he came over to me while I was putting icing on the cupcakes and he was marinating the chicken... Its not like we made the food... Kylie did.... She was barking orders and it was funny to see her serious....

"You want cupcake? Never!" I said as I lightly laughed and put a cupcake in another tray....

"No! But maybe yes! But can't I say hi to my sister....?" He said as we both laughed....

"I missed Zeke and ivy time.... Especially Zeke, ivy and Annalise time" I said as I smiled and started working on another cup cake.... He smiled and went to wash his hands....

"Me too.... But school calls" He said as he made a call sign with his hand....

"And rehab?" I said lowly and sighed as I kept working on one cupcake....

"Yeah that.... Its going to be fine... She'll be back to us soon and she and Jordan will pursue their dreams" He said as I sighed and he smiled "you'll have to give me that cupcake.... The icing is too much" He said as I stopped and he took it and ate it all in one bite.... He grinned at me and we both laughed.... I shook my head at him.... I handed him a napkin to Clea the icing on his Lip....

"Thanks" he said.... I looked at him and smiled "So jasmine?" I said.... He groaned...

"This conversation is over!" He yelled as he ran out of the kitchen with his hands spread out and him practically feeling like a plane or bird.... I shook my head and smiled....

The chefs were moving round and I watched as my siblings and friend worked..... Kylie pulled off her apron.... She washed her hands....

"Ivy! I'm going to try my dress in your room.... Your mom wants to know if its perfect" Kylie said as I nodded towards her as a go ahead sign.... As she left.... Jordan followed suit after like 2minutes.... Amelia and Annalise shared a look and stared at me.... I shrugged..... I looked at camille that was literally humming to herself and making a vegetable face.... So we all laughed but she didn't hear with the headphones loud enough for me to hear the beat faintly....

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