25|lazy Oceans Of The Shore

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Up there! Is Chloe.... She has short brown hair!

25|lazy oceans of the shore

I STILL DIDN'T KNOW THE USE of the dinner.... None of us did but the parents did.

The Hayes were here, Prescott, Harpers, Baileys.... They were all here.... And we kids were confused....

"Yes! Let me get the dessert" My mom stood up... Dessert! Probably ice cream and éclair....

"I'll come with" Charlotte's mom said and now all moms were heading to the main kitchen....

I felt something hit me.... I looked down to see vegetable on my shirt.... I looked up to see a smirking Izzy and giggling Michelle....

I cut out of my unfinished meat and threw it at them but it hit Jordan instead..... He glared at me and I smirked...

He was about to Throw something at me but Nina called my name...

"Ivy" She softly called...

"Yes?" I answered...

"Could you and finn please go get the dessert spoons from the basement?" She said and all conversation on the table seems to stop....

And Camille started singing "like the lazy oceans of the shore"

I glared at her... She was singing sway with me by Saweetie... They all laughed and I smiled at Nina...

"No problem Nina, we will" I said as I looked at finn... "Let's go finn" I said through gritted teeth and he looked reluctant to move...

Well! Our argument was heard downstairs.... He stood up and we went upstairs not before hearing Nina whisper.... "Its still going strong?" I shook my head and walked the stairs with Finn at my back....

The basement was dark and I didn't come with my phone! Dad probably forgot to call someone to fix it.

"Did you come with your Phone?" I asked the idiot at my back....

"Nope" He said as he popped the p...

I groaned in frustration.... "We'll have to be careful here... The dessert spoons are on the left or middle"

"Got it" we kept walking down the stairs... And I clumsily missed a step....

I was falling! For reals! I was waiting for the thud but it never came....

Finn caught me before I fell.... And he accidentally found the switch! Now the freaking light was on...

I felt warm all of a sudden... His hands on my body sent tingling sensations.. It felt good to be I his arms. Again.

He was staring at me and I at him.... His Gray eyes stood out! Oh God! They were beautiful!

And then I really don't know what happened! We were both rolling down the stairs and me landing on Him...

"I like this position" He smirked and I glared at him.... I was about to stand up when I heard him yell...

"F*ck! Oh my fucking God! Ivy! You're on my" He was yelling in pain and I realized and rolled off.... I didn't face him, I stayed on the floor... Staring at the wall...

"Sorry"I mumbled as I heard hisses of pain and shuffling...

"Shit!" He said as he hissed in pain again....

"Sorry" I kept mumbling sorry...

"Hey! get up" He said as I turned and stood up... His face was flushed from either the pain or embarrassment....

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