03|"we have better shoes than you"

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PS: that's Michelle up there!!

03| we have better shoes than you....

"You are nothing but a dumb black person" allison said as she walked towards me and pushed me against my locker.... She could see the fear in my eyes...

"Look at her so naive and stupid..." She said as she smiled and traced her fingers down face "you think you'll ever be good in volleyball... No! A black person is a failure!.... I think you should go back to were you are meant to be"

I couldn't move  she was still holding me to my locker... Oh God!!

"Please let me go" I managed to say out

"Awn! Little ivy wants to go and call her helpers" she said... She was referring to kylie and Michelle....

I thought of the only thing I could do... I SPAT in her face... Ha!

"Ew! You disgusting dyslexic bitch" she said and I couldn't take it anymore... She called me dyslexic... How did she know!?.... I raised my hand to slap her and then.....

"Ah" I screamed... Now I was awake.... "Oh God!" I said as I wiped of sweat from my head... I always have this nightmares... They keep playing in my head.... Its so clear in my head like it happens everyday.... I sat up on my bed and put on the my bed light.... I looked round and I could only think of one thing.... Paint...

I stood up to get my paint brushes,paint, pencil and a canvas... Painting was something that I loved... Painting say more that words... Its not confusing or jumbled... Art in particular is magical... My friends feel its weird that I can sit to watch a soap opera without falling asleep😂... But its fun... Don't judge...

I painted sponge Bob😂... But I painted a modern sponge Bob on a skateboard feeling all hot and on top of the world.... I laughed at my painting... I placed it down and let it dry... I saw the light on the passage come on... Someone is awake.... Hmm

I went back to my bed and my door opened to reveal Jordan... Jordan is a gentle guy... I do not regret him being my brother.... Jordan changed his hair.... To some curly thing... I liked it.... But Jordan is not the happy guy I used to know anymore... He became more secretive and hardly concentrates.... At some point to be honest I thought it was ADHD..... His second half... Is gone... Not like dead but gone...

He walked over to my bed and looked at me then my bed"Can't sleep?" He asked

"Yeah... You?" I said as I smiled at him....

"Hmm yeah" he plopped down on my bed...

"I think you guys are starting to disrespect my bed" I said

He chuckled and laid down on my lap... Wow!

"So what's up? Why are you up?" He asked

"Just some nightmares" I said as I smiled and played with his hair... He had black hair and amazing hazel eyes...

"Hmm..." He said like he was thinking..

"Why are you up?" I asked

"Annalise" he said...

I felt tears threatening to spill... Jordan will never cry but he breaks.... And the only day I heard him cry was when his second half left.... He was in his room all week and he started having hook ups... He become very very cold... Some girls don't just know when to break up with a guy... His ex girlfriend.... I really can't remember her name.... Broke up with him and he... Hit her, the stupid girl pressed charges and he got arrested.... Dad had to bail him out.... That night wasn't a good one

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