Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I didn't want to go. I didn't want to start a new life. Yeah, I hated living there but leaving to a totally new place made my stomach turn with frustration. I know deep inside that I should be ecstatic about this move, but I didn't want to start over. I can barely talk to a stranger without stuttering for fucks sake.

Mom on the other hand couldn't be happier. This is what she had wanted ever since it started, and now that it's here I can't help but see pure joy in her once distraught eyes. The minute we were out of there, she couldn't hide her beautiful smile.

She knew how I was, and she knew that she would be the only person I would have here. I was just a seventeen year old guy that just didn't belong in a world like this. Of course she understood that, but he didn't. Even though I once thought he would, he never really did. In all honesty, at first I didn't give two shits on what he thought but as soon as he took extreme measures, I couldn't take it anymore.

But now he's gone, and yes I was happy about that.

"It's beautiful right," she said staring at our soon to be home. The new home that would take the pain away.

"I guess," I shrugged.

It was a small two story house with bright red brick walls and large trees surrounding it. The neighborhood didn't seem too bad honestly. It actually seemed like one of those boring neighborhoods where nothing interesting happens, like ever. But maybe that would be nice.

She turned off the car and quickly got out. I followed her down to the front door. Her happiness was literally radiating out of her as she tried unlocking the front door with shaky hands. Once the door was opened, we were greeted by a cool breeze letting us know once again that we were starting brand new. This was our new life.

"It's even better than the pictures!" She said excitedly as we passed the medium sized living room. It was just the right size for a family of two, but maybe it will become larger knowing my mom will rarely be home. Cons of living with a doctor. I followed her to the kitchen and once again she kept gushing on how beautiful everything was even though there was not much - or simply any furniture. I just saw empty space.

She walked out to the backyard, so I took this time to go around looking myself. The first thing I did was go up the staircase. As soon as I reached the top, I walked down the hallway. There was a medium sized bathroom to the left and a room to the right. I'm pretty sure this would be mine so I didn't hesitate to walk inside. I didn't expect much since nothing was basically in there, but it was still an alright looking room. Probably a little bigger than the one back "home".

After I thought it was enough looking around, I started to help mom unpack everything. The movers helped with the bigger furniture as we put the really necessary things away.


It was getting close to six o'clock, and after unpacking most of our things, we were really tired. Mom didn't feel like cooking - I wouldn't blame her - so she went out to buy something. While she was out, I walked out to the almost night sky. San Diego was sure pretty. What a change. And I haven't even seen the actual city, so that's on my to do list.

Just a little after mom getting back, the doorbell rang. It was odd judging by the time and day. I shrugged it off not bothering to follow her and kept eating. But after a few minutes I couldn't help but hear chatter. There were a few people talking with her.

"Kellin!" She shouted.

I walked out of the kitchen, and found myself quickly looking at a set of people. My eyes first landed on the two older people. Seemed like a husband and wife.

"This is my son, Kellin." Mom introduced me to the pair of people. They shook my hand carefully while introducing themselves.

"These are our sons," the lady said pointing to a pair of guys. I had no idea they were even there until now.

They seemed about my age, or close to it at least. But hey, looks can be deceiving. Although, one of them caught my eyes. He was more or less close to my height, had tan brown skin, medium sized long wavy brown hair and had a nose piercing. He wore a SnapBack, dark black torn skinnies, and a band shirt I recognized.

At this moment I realized I basically had just checked him out. Fuck.

"I'm Mike," the dude to the left said, snapping me out of the odd trance.

"Kellin," I replied facing him briefly before turning my vision to the intriguing guy.

"Vic," he spoke with a nod. An expressionless, blank nod. I shook my head at him, looking at him dead in the eye but turned quickly away with somewhat embarrassment.

Turns out these people were our new neighbors and wanted to meet us. This house hadn't been sold in a long time. But they seemed nice, I guess. Except him. He didn't utter a single word as we stood there, making the whole situation a little more awkward. I had turned to him out of curiosity and immediately caught his gaze. He didn't turn away from me, but just stared at me like if he were studying me. Yeah, it freaked me out but my eyes couldn't seem to turn away. They were glued to his.

After they left, I let out a sigh I had no idea I had building inside of me. Like I said, it was crucial for me when it came to meeting new folks but this seemed much more different. Way more.

After mom went to bed, I went outside and laid on the grass under the dark black night sky. There were barely any stars out tonight. Going outside and just stare at nothing in particular had become a routing back over there. It would be an escape from the world even though all of the problems that were around were still there beside me. Breathing in the cold air of the dusky night made me feel better though, I liked the peace it brought me. They were small moments of bliss out there. This pastime just kept me from. . .doing other things. Things that should never be repeated. Not again. No more.

Right now I just sat here wondering how life will be here. Could it kind of go normal for once here? Like in one of those movies? I know life is never like those fairytales even though everyone wants it to be like that. Life is like that one friend. The friend that you thought would always be there but they just turn out to be a complete let down. That's what life is, a let down. The only thing you can do about it try to pass the pain away.

My thoughts soon wandered to the certain boy from beside. Vic. What a. . .weird vibe I got from him. I don't know. He just seemed, different. There was just something that ticked me off. It wasn't his physical, but his eyes. They were no special color but they intrigued me. He looked at me so weirdly back there, but why? His brother Mike didn't seem to have much of a problem with me. He seemed alright actually.

I turned my head to look at the house beside me. They also had a two story house. Two of the windows of the second floor were turned on brightly with light and I found myself wondering if he was there. Could he?

Oh shut up, Kellin. Why would you even be questioning that?


Ooh sorry if this was like a weird chapter 😂 they'll be much longer, I promise

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