Players and Pieces

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Walking through this dense forest was boring. At least it was till the tree I was leaning on caught fire and exploded. I jumped out of the way and put my hand on Muramasa's sheathe.

Ruby and Weiss were surrounded by quite a lot of beowolves. And there was an Alpha.

~3rd POV~

Weiss and Ruby were readying themselves for another clash when a beowolf cried out in pain. Everyone looked over, even the other beowolves, and saw Sora beside a dead beowolf.

Ruby: "Sora!" He smiled at her.

Sora: "Hey little Red. You and Weiss should go, I cleared the way"

Ruby: "What? No!" A tree fell and spread the fire.

Weiss: "We have to go" She grabbed Ruby and dragged her away. The beowolves seemed angered by their loss of prey, so they bared their fangs at the newcomer.

Sora just walked forwards at the Alpha till they were only a few feet apart.

Alpha: "*growl*" It swiped at Sora, but no matter what it tried, Sora always dodged it. "*roar*"It launched itself at Sora, but the Alpha only hit air. Once it stopped itself, it turned to look for where the human went.

Well, it tried to, but it felt extreme pain everytime it tried to move. It looked down and saw the  sword the human had buried deep in his chest. It then collapsed.

The beowolves all around howled in fear before retreating into the forest.

Sora: "To kill a snake, you cut off the head" 


After a long walk through the forest, and a few seconds of killing any stray beowolf that crossed my path, I found the temple. Yang and the black hair girl were here already.

Yang: "Hey Hot-stuff!"

Sora: "Still not interested" She fake pouted.

Yang: "Anyways, this is my partner. Blake"

Sora: "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sora Bael"

Blake: "Blake Belladonna" I walked forwards and saw some chest pieces on pedestals. However, there was a king made out of glass in the center. 

Sora: "What's the deal with the glass king?"

Yang: "We don't know. I tried to pick it up, but I couldn't get it to budge" Intrigued, I went to pick it up. I picked it up no problem.

Sora: "Huh. Guess you're just weak"

Yang: "Oh bite me"

Sora: "Oooh, kinky" She blushed and looked away and I just laughed. I looked back at the king in my hand and realized it had gained an eerie silver glow after I picked it up. 

Blake: "Is something wrong?" I shoved the piece in my pocket.

Sora: "No, nothing's wrong"

???: "*scream*"

Yang: "Did you hear that? Some girl's in trouble!" I laughed.

That kinda sounded like Jaune

Yang: "What should we do?"

Ruby: "Heads up!" I looked up and saw Ruby falling from the sky with Jaune about to hit her out of the air with his body. Here we go again.

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now