It's a Brawl in The Family

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After lazily watching through JNPR's match, and almost dying from laughter after realizing that Neptune was scared of water, I got a break. Nero joined me as Inari and Lilith switched us.

Nero: "What do you want to do?"

Sora: "I don't know. Wanna grab something from the cafeteria?"

Nero: "I could go for a bite, but why not at the fairgrounds?"

Sora: "I just don't feel like spending any money right now"

Nero: "That's fair" As we were walking, we noticed a large crowd had gathered. "Looks like no break for us"

Sora: "Yay. . . work" We both sigh before heading over. As we get closer, I hear the distinct sound of weapons clashing. "There's a fight"

Nero: "Yeah, I can see the sparks. Alright! Everybody out the way!"

Sora: "Security comin through!" The crowd parts enough so that we can make it through. "Weiss?"

Weiss: "Some crazy guy started attacking my sister!"

Nero: "Winter's here?" I look at the fight, and she does indeed look like Weiss. The person she's fighting has black hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, and a tattered red cape.

Ruby: "Oh no! Who would do such a th--aaaaat is my uncle! Kick her butt, uncle Qrow!"

Sora/Nero: Goddammit Qrow/Winter"

Sora: "You wanna stop Winter?"

Nero: "If you stop Qrow"

Sora/Nero: "This is gonna be rough"

Sora: 50%. I lunged forwards and blocked Qrow's downward swing, creating a shockwave as a crater formed beneath me.

Qrow: "Brat?"

Sora: "How ya doin birdbrain? It's been awhile" I used his momentary confusion to push him back.

Winter: "Get out of the way! This is Atlas' responsibility!"

Nero: "You see, that's where you're wrong Winter. At this current moment, you're in my jurisdiction. I'm security"

Winter: "You? What are you doing here? Never mind, we'll talk after you move"

Nero: "You're not getting through me"

Winter: "We'll see about that"

Qrow: "What are you doin here b-brat?"

Sora: "Are you drunk?"

Qrow: "N-No. . . *hiccup*" I sighed and face palmed.

Sora: "Why did I even ask?"

Qrow: "Get out of the way brat, this isn't your fight"

Sora: "It was the moment you started it on my turf"

Qrow: "If you don't get out of the way, I force you too"

Sora: "We'll see if you can, now won't we?"

~3rd POV~

Qrow and Sora charged each other as Nero went on the defense against Winter. Qrow and Sora clashed again and again.

 Qrow and Sora clashed again and again

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