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Watching Pyrrha Nikos completely destroy a full team of a 4 never gets old, but it sure does make you want to fight as well.

Glynda: "Well done Ms. Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament"

Pyrrha: "Thank you professor"

Glynda: "Alright, now I know that's a tough act act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

Mercury: "I'll do it"

Glynda: "Mercury is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponent"

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight. . . her" He pointed at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I'm afraid miss Nikos has just finished a match, I'd recommend you choose another partner" I raised my hand. "Do you volunteer Mr. Schnee?"

Nero: "Yes ma'am"

Glynda: "You sure? Your right arm is in a cast"

Nero: "It's fine, I'm left handed anyways"

Mercury: "But I asked for-"

Glynda: "Very well. Please come down to the stage" I seemed to piss off Mercury as he threw me a dirty look.

Nero: Good. I stood on one side of the stage, opposite of Mercury.

Glynda: "3. 2. 1. Begin!" 


Before Nero walked down to the stage, I made sure to tell him not to let anyone see his arm or his semblance, even if it means he'll lose. I made sure to watch Emerald while the fight went on.

Ruby: "Hey your friend is doing pretty good"

Emerald: "Hehehe" She gave Ruby a smile that turned into a look of disgust as soon as Ruby's head turned.

Sora: Interesting


I turned back to see Nero's aura has barely gone down, while Mercury's is in the yellow. Nero left his Red Queen planted in the ground and was fighting him up close with Blue Rose.

Nero kept ducking and dodging all of Mercury's kicks. Nero then shoulder bashed him back and fired with Blue Rose. As Mercury was skidding back, I noticed it created sparks.

Sora: The hell? I kept my focus on Mercury. He was a kick boxer who favored kicking for the head, almost like he was constantly going for the kill shot.

In fact, it was like every move he made was setting up for the kill shot. 

Sora: Mercury Black huh? I'll be looking into that name later. . . Nero drop kicked Mercury in the face, sending him flying. Nero landed and fired Blue Rose, hitting him with both bullets.


Glynda: "And that's the end of the match. Nero Schnee is the winner of this match *bell rings* That is all for today. And remember the dance is this weekend, but you all have your first mission on Monday" 

Glynda: "I will not accept any excuses" My team followed team RWBY out. As we were walking, I heard Mercury talking to Emerald.

Emerald: "I know you weren't supposed to be fighting as hard as you could, but did you have to lose that badly?"

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now