(Volume 3: End) The End of The Beginning

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~Sora's POV~

Ozpin and I switched in and out while fighting Cinder, using our numbers to our advantage. I jumped and went to bring my sword down, but she released a shock wave, sending me onto my back.

She readied a blast to finish me, but Ozpin rushed at her, causing them to clash back and forth down the hall. Twin swords appeared in her hands as she blocked his strikes, before retaliating with her own.

What she didn't realize however, was he was leading her to me. Ozpin put a little more force into a downward strike, which Cinder was able to block and cracked the ground underneath her.

She gave a grunt of effort as she blasted him back, before releasing a short cry of pain as I slashed across her back. She stumbled forward and Ozpin and I both went to strike her.

As we were about to strike her, something stopped our attacks. I realized flames had hardened around her like armor and backed off. Ozpin seemed to noticed it as well, as he backed off too.

I rotated around next to him as Cinder manipulated the broken glass around her and sent multiple shards at us. I cut through them all and Ozpin dashed forward, striking her multiple times with the end of his cane.

He then struck her one final time, sending her flying into the air. Fire exploded all around her as she floated in the air.

Ozpin: "To me!" Ozpin struck the ground with his cane, creating some sort of shield around us. Cinder fired a beam of fire at us and we charged into it.

Sora/Ozpin: "AAAAHHHH!!!"

Port: "That's it, everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!"

Oobleck: "A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!" Weiss covered her mouth in shock at the sight before her.

Zwei barked, causing Weiss to turn around and see Ruby.

Weiss: "Ruby!"

Ruby: "Oh, I found you!"

Weiss: "Ruby, where have you-"

Ruby: "Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?" Weiss lowered her gaze in sadness. "Weiss? What is it?" Weiss moved out of the way, revealing the injured halves of JNPR, RWBY, and SINL.

Blake reached out and grabbed Yang's hand as tears streamed down her face.

Blake: "I'm sorry. . . I'm so sorry"

Ruby: "Yang. . ."

Sun: "Hey. . . She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale"

Nora: "But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing! *groan*"

Nero: "And so are Inari and Sora"

Ruby: "What?!"

Sun: "Look guys, that giant grimm keeps circling the school. Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go. . . now!"

Ren: "We're not leaving- *groan*"

Ruby: "I'll find them. I'll them and I'll bring them back"

Weiss: "No" Weiss stepped forwards. "We will find them"

Lilith: "I'm going as well" Ruby and Weiss nodded at her.

Weiss: "Watch after them. We'll be back"

Sun: "Ugh, you better be! Idiots"

Pyrrha, Jaune, and Inari emerge from the tower.

Jaune: "Ok, I think I have Glynda's number. Oh, where is it? Pyrrha? What was all of that?"

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