Jaundice and New Teammate

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Ruby: "Please?"

Sora: "No"

Ruby: "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Sora: "No Ruby"

Ruby: "Pretty please with me on top" I felt my face flush slightly.

Sora: "Where did you learn that?"

Ruby: "Yang told me to do that whenever I wanted something from a guy"

Sora: "Ruby!"

Ruby: "I'm sorry, but please tell me how you beat her!"

Pyrrha: "I would like to know how you beat me as well"

Sora: "Luck"

Weiss: "You mean to tell us luck was how you moved faster than the eye could see, completely dodge Pyrrha's attack, and attack back? Thereby winning the match?"

Sora: "Exactly Snow Angel" Her face reddened.

Pyrrha: "Very well, if you refuse to tell us, I won't pry any further" I nodded at her and focused on my food.

Ruby: "Why are you in a bad mood? You beat Pyrrha!"

Sora: "Because she made me do something I swore not to do, just to beat her"

Weiss: "Which was?"

Sora: "Nothing Snow Angel"

Weiss: "That's not my name!"

Sora: "Yeah yeah, whatever"

Pyrrha: "Jaune , , , Are you okay?"

Jaune: "Huh? Oh, Yeah! Why?"

Ruby: "It's just that you seem a little-"

Sora: "-Not okay" Ruby pouted at me, which was adorable, and I stuck my stuck out at her. Everyone stared at Jaune.

Jaune: "Eh, guys, I'm fine. . . Seriously, look! *nervous laughter*" He raised his thumb up and tried his best smile.

Sora: "Oh yeah man, I totally believe you. Sorry for- THAT WAS THE WORST LIE I'VE EVER SEEN" Suddenly, I hear Cardin's laughter in the background as he and his band of misfits bullied a rabbit faunus.

Pyrrha: "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school"

Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah. . . He's just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!"

Sora: "I'd like to see him mess around with me"

Ruby: "Down boy"

Sora: "I'm not your pet!" She smiled cutely as she pet my tail. I just grumbled to myself, I knew better than to try and resist.

Ruby: "He's a bully"

Jaune: "Oh please. . . Name one time he's 'bullied' me. . . *nervous laughter*" Ruby stopped petting me.

Sora: "*clears throat* There was that time he smacked the books out of your hands in the hallway- Dammit Ruby!" She smiled cutely as she pet me again.

Nora: "-There was that time he activated your shield in the doorway, getting you stuck"

Yang: "-And there was that time he shoved you into a weapon locker and launched you out of the school"

Jaune: "I didn't land far from the school. . ."

Pyrrha: "Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask. . ."

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now