(Volume 2 End): Breach

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~3rd POV~

In the dorms at Beacon, team JNPR is seen sleeping. 

Jaune: "*snore* Mm, waffles" Jaune's scroll then goes off, waking him from his slumber. "Wha'?" He picked it up and the scroll displayed a call from Ruby.

Jaune: "Uh, hello?" Static. "Gah!" The call then ends. "Ruby?"

~Small Timeskip~

Pyrha: "I'm sure they're fine"

Jaune: "Ya think?"

Nora: "Probably a butt-dial!"

Ren: "Team RWBY has always preformed exceptionally in the field. Besides, they have team SINL with them as well. We should be focusing on our own mission"

Nora: "We're gonna be deputies!"

Jaune: "I just got this. . . feeling. I, I don't know"

Pyrrha: "Jaune. . ."


A large amount of smoke can be seen rising from within Vale

Jaune: "We're changing our mission. Everyone onboard" They climb into a Bullhead, but Jaune stops Ren for a second. "Ren. We'll make it out to that village another time"

Ren nods and boards with the rest of the team.

Jaune: "Take us into the city" The Bullhead rises, before taking off towards the city.

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury are seen on a different landing pad.

Emerald: "You don't think. . ."

Mercury: "Sure looks like it"

Emerald: "That's still days away!"

Mercury: "So? What do we do?"

~Scene Change~

Team RWBY and SKRL were surrounded and exhausted.

Sora: "Nero, use your arm to throw Lilith out of here"

Lilith: "What?! Hell no if I'm missing-"

Sora: "You're not missing anything. I need you to keep the grimm from focusing on civilians. Any of them start to lose focus on us, destroy them" She grinned.

Lilith: "Now that's something I can do!"

Sora: "Inari, I need you to take out any nevermores that decide to show their ugly faces. And if someone needs backup, I want you to be the one" She nodded. "Nero, you're with me"

Nero: "Sounds like a blast!"

Sora: "Go!" Per instruction, Lilith was grabbed by Nero and flung out of the circle of grimm around them. A nevermore tried to grab her, but Inari sent a dozens swords into its stomach, sending it crashing down.

Team RWBY followed their example and readied themselves as the grimm came charging in. Ruby planted her scythe in the ground and spun in a circle, kicking a multitude of beowolves in the face.

Yang used a creep as a springboard and launched off of it, firing a barrage of shots into the crowd of grimm. Some smaller nevermore tried to hit her back down, but Inari skewered them before they could.

Yang winked at her, and came crashing down, created a shockwave that vaporized any grimm too close. Blake stabbed a beowolf in the head before firing a clip into the oncoming creeps.

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