The Battle of Beacon

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Announcer: "Warning! Safety barriers failing!"

Nevermore: "*screech*"

Jaune: "Pyrrha! Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in! You've gotta move!" The barrier fade in and out, before the nevermore got ready to charge. Jaune jumped out of the stands and tried to reach her.

Jaune: "Pyrrha please snap out of it!" The nevermore broke through the barrier and crashed into the ground, sending Pyrrha and Jaune flying back.

Nevermore: "*screech*" It tried to pounce on Pyrrha, but Ruby rushed forwards and stabbed it in the chest with one of Penny's swords.

Pyrrha: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Leave her alone!" The nevermore took off and flew around the arena.

Sora: "Time to do my part" 75%. I launched myself into the air and buried Muramasa into it's neck. It screeched as a ton of glowing swords pierced it's stomach and a ton of student lockers landed in it's back.

It ended up dying right in front of Ruby and Pyrrha. It disappeared and all the lockers fell to the ground. All the students grabbed their weapons.

Pyrrha: "Ruby I-" Tears streamed down her face. "I'm so sorry"

Ruby: "Me too, but it wasn't your fault"

Jaune: "She's right" Jaune walked forwards. "Whoever was on the microphone, they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else" He handed her her sword and shield.

All the students readied themselves as griffons began circling the top of the arena.

Ren: "Griffons"

Neptune: "Anybody got a plan of attack?" I put my hand to my chin.

Ruby: "Sun. I need your scroll" He tossed it to her and she called her locker. She tried to grab her weapon, but Nero's hand grabbed it and crushed it.

Port: "Students. I think it would be best for you to leave"

Ruby: "But we can fi-"

Oobleck: "Ms. Rose. This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it"

Sora: "They'll be fine Ruby, they're professionals for a reason" She nodded and grabbed Crescent Rose. 

Ruby: "Let's go!" Everyone made their way out of the arena.

Port: "One final match, Barty! Place your bets!" At the docking bay, there were tons of airships that were being loaded with people, when suddenly a couple Bullheads showed up and offloaded grimm.

Ironwood's knights were able to take out the smaller ones, but an alpha beowolf destroyed them. Ironwood handled that on personally.

Ruby: "What's going on?"

Ironwood: "Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse, some- Vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm-"

He pulled out his gun to kill a creep that came from behind, but I slashed it in half before he could.

Ironwood: "Going to take it back"

Jaune: "What should we do?"

Ironwood: "You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school. . . our save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave. Let's move out!"

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