Forever Fall

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Glynda: "Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful" I'm sure the only reason Ruby likes it is because of the red. "But we are not here to sight-see"

Glynda: "Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so"

Ruby: " It looks so good!"

Sora: "That's up for debate" Ruby zoomed over to me and pointed at me.

Ruby: "Got a problem with red?"

Sora: "I never said that, and I won't because I'd rather not have a talk with crescent rose" She smiled brightly and started walking again.

Ruby: "That's what I thought" Ms. Goodwitch stopped, causing the rest of us to stop as well. Jaune didn't get the memo and accidentally bumped into Cardin.

Glynda: "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However this forest is full of creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4. Have fun!"

I watched as Jaune followed Cardin and his team.

Sora: "Hey Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha: "Hmm?"

Sora: "What's the deal with Jaune?"

Pyrrha: "I'm sure my team leader knows exactly what he's doing" Touchy subjet. Ouch. I nod and find a good spot.

Sora: "So, what can you do?"

Inari: "I can. . . create aura swords"

Sora: "Your semblance is to create swords made of aura?" She nods. "Ok, that's really good. How about those 2 swords on your waist? You know how to use them?"

Inari: "I was the. . . top of my. . . dueling class without. . . using my. . . semblance"

Sora: "Ok, great. Where did you train before coming here"

Inari: ". . .Mistral"

Sora: "Alright. Do you mind doing a spar the next time we have Ms. Goodwitch's class?"

Inari: "Against. . . you?"

Sora: "I mean, if you want me too. But that wasn't what I meant"

Inari: "Ok. . . I'll fight. . . whoever"

Sora: "Sounds like a plan" She nodded and finished her jar.

Ruby: "Sora! Over here!"

Sora: "Let's go" Inari nodded and followed behind me as we approached team RWBY.

Ruby: "Who's this?"

Sora: "This here, is my new partner. She arrived yesterday"

Ruby: "Oh, It's nice to meet you! My name's Ruby Rose!"

Sora: "You can just call her Cater Face" Her face lit up as she pouted and hit me in the gut. "Owww"

Ruby: "Ignore him"

Inari: "It's nice to. . . meet you too. . . My name is. . . Inari Rouge"

Ruby: "Do you mind if I ask why you talk like that?"

Sora: "Ruby!" Inari shook her head.

Inari: "Not. . . at all. Grimm attacked. . . hit my throat. I'm. . . lucky to be. . . able to talk. . . at all"

Ruby: "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories"

Inari: "It's fine" 

Sora: "Uh, Ren?"

Ren: "Yes?"

Sora: "I hope you didn't need that jar"

Ren: "What jar- Nora!!"

Nora: "Hehe, sorry Ren" Everyone laughed. I noticed some sound and looked up, noticing Jaune about to throw a jar of sap, aimed at me, with Cardin next to him.

Sora: Don't do it. He readied himself and looked like he was about to throw it at me, before he turned and threw it at Cardin. "Hey, I have to go check something. Inari, come"

She nodded and followed behind me as I sped through the forest towards Jaune.

Sora: I'm may not be as confident in my speed as Ruby, but I'm no slouch either. But this girl, she's keeping up. . . We quickly reached the clearing, just as Cardin's team runs away.

Inari: "Ursa. . . Major" My eyes widen as I turn and watch Jaune defend Cardin, successfully.

Sora: "Atta boy, Jaune"

Jaune: "Some help would really be appreciated"

Sora: "And steal your glory? Nah, you got this. Besides, what kind of hero asks for help?" His eyes widened, before he dodged under a swipe.

Pyrrha, Ruby, and Weiss arrived behind us.

Weiss: "We have to help him, he'll be killed"

Sora: "Just believe, Ice queen, he's here for a reason" She lowered her rapier. Jaune jumped over another swipe, before getting punched into the ground.

He rolled back, before charging back in, something the Ursa reciprocated. Jaune's shield wasn't high enough to block the attack. 

Sora: Come on. . . Or, it wasn't, but then his shield was surrounded in a dark glow and it moved. Jaune blocked the attack, before launching himself upwards with all his strength. 

He decapitated the Ursa. 

Ruby: "He. . ."

Weiss: ". . . Did it?"

Jaune: "I did it? I did it!"

Sora: "Great job!" I walked up to him and slung my arm over his shoulder. "You did good! You almost looked like a real hunter there"

Jaune: "*embarrassed* How did you know I wanted to be a hero?"

Sora: "The way you handle yourself, the way you act, etc. Everybody has these tells, and yours point to wanting to be a hero"

Jaune: "I see, I guess I was kinda obvious *nervous laughter*"

Sora: "Just remember, no one is born a hero. Not you, not me, not Ozpin. But, heroes are made"

Jaune: "Thanks Sora"

Sora: "No prob" Suddenly, a foul scent entered my nose. "Grimm. . ." I turned my head and watched across the clearing. Soon, the sound of mandibles became clear.

It got quiet, before a giant deathstalker burst out of the clearing. It was as big as the one from initiation. I readied my sheathe.

Sora: I might have to use my semblance again today. . . Damn. I was conflicted, till I remembered something. "Inari"

Inari: ". . . Understood" She closed her eyes and a dozen glowing swords appeared rotating around her. She lifted her hand and all the swords flew forwards as fast as bullets.

I gasped in shock as dozens of sword pierced the deathstalker's shell. It was definitely dead, as it started to dissipate. Everyone turned and stared at Inari.

Inari: ". . . What?"

Sora: "Remind me to never get on your bad side"

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now