Burning The Candle

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I was sitting next to Ruby in the ballroom. Lilith and Inari were helping Yang and Weiss put everything into place. Nero was tuning his weapons in our room.

All of a sudden, Weiss slams down 2 pieces of fabric.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth"

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss: "*sigh* I don't even know why I asked. Sora?"

Sora: "The one to my right" Weiss smiled.

Weiss: "My thoughts exactly, thank you Sora" She walked away.

Ruby: "*whisper* How did you do that?"

Sora: "I picked a random one. She would've said thank you either way"

Ruby: "Whoa. . ." Yang put down a speaker behind us.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

Yang: "Oh, don't worry. She's going. Weiss! I thought we agreed! No doilies!"

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines"

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"

Weiss: "We were thinking about it"

Neptune: "That's pretty cool"

Sun: "You ladies all excited for dress up?"

Ruby: "Pfft, yeah right"

Yang: "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night"

Sora: "You? Don't make me laugh"

Yang: "What was that Canine?"

Sora: "Nothing Fireworks"

Yang: "That's what I thought"

Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"

Sun: "Uh, this"

Sora: "Of course you are"

Neptune: "Ignore him, for knows not what he says"

Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kinda place"

Yang: "Yeah, we've noticed"

Sora: "You know, that explains so many things"

Sun: "So, uh. . . what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, ya know. . . Blake-y?"

Weiss: "Obviously"

Ruby: "I still can't think of a way to change her mind"

Yang: "Guys. Trust me. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow" She then whispered in Ruby's ear. "So you should go ahead and ask him out while you have the chance"

She then walked away and my scroll went off.

Sora: "I gotta go see Ozpin. Lilith and Inari, keep helping"

Lilith: "Ugh, this is so boring"

Sora: "We go on missions in 2 days, hang tight till then" I made my way to the top of Oz's tower.

~Scene Change~

Sora: "I'm here Oz, what did you want to talk-?" I froze.

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