(Volume 2: Beginning) Team SINL

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~ Sora ~

Yang: "Whatcha doin?" She bumped into Blake to look at her notebook.

Blake: "Nothing" Blake shut her notebook before she could see anything.

Sora: "Really, kitty cat? Cause it looks like you're hiding something"

Blake: "I'm just going over notes from last semester. And don't call me that" Yang caught a piece of fruit in her mouth.

Yang: "Lame!" She caught another one. Ruby then slams a huge binder onto the lunch table.

Sora: "Hey! I'm eating here!" On the binder, it said Vytal Festival Activities, which was crossed out, and under it said Best Day Ever ACTIVITIES.

Ruby: "Hehe, sorry Sora. *clears throat* Sisters! Friends! Weiss. . ."

Weiss: "Hey!"

Ruby: "Four score and seven minutes ago-"

Sora: "That's 80 years Thorns"

Ruby: "Shhh" She put a finger to my lips. "Anyways, four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream"

Yang: "This oughta be good" She caught another fruit.

Ruby: "A dream that one day, the four of us would come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!"

Sora: "I guess that means I'm just chopped liver then huh?"

Weiss: "Did you steal my binder?"

Ruby: "I am not a crook. And you can join us if you want Sora"

Blake: "What are you talking about?"

Ruby: "I'm taking about kicking off the semester with a bang!"

Yang: "I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?" An apple hit Yang in the face.

Nora/Sora: "Boooooooo!"

Ruby: "Look guys, its been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great!"

Ruby: "But classes start back up tomorrow-"

Sora: "We're in school Thorns, that's how schools work-"

Ruby: "WHICH is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today"

Weiss: "I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store" My scroll went off.

Blake: "I think I'm gonna sit this one out"

Sora: "Yeah, me too. Sorry Thorns, but Ozpin needs me in his office ASAP"

Ruby: "Awww, fine" She pouted. I pet her head and her face lit up. I got up and left.

~3rd POV~

After Sora left, WBY stared at Ruby.

Ruby: "W-What?"

Yang: "You like him, don't you?

Ruby: "YANG!!!"

~Scene Change~

~ Sora ~

The elevator doors opened to Ozpin's office and I noticed 3 people in front of him. One of which, was Inari.

Ozpin: "Ah, the final member is here. Sora, say hello to your team. You've met Ms. Rouge, but this is Nero Schnee"

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