The Badge and The Burden

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Sora: "Ah! Who gave Ruby and damn whistle?! My ears" I rubbed my ears carefully to try and ease the pain, when another whistle rang out. "Ow!"

I flinched in pain but sat up. Well, I might as well get ready. I still had 2 hours till my first class, so I took a long soak in the shower. When I got out, there was a Beacon uniform lying on my bed.

Sora: "Obviously they have a master key. . ." I put on the uniform and looked at myself in the mirror. "This doesn't work on me" Thankfully we were allowed to change it up a little.

I took off the jacket and replaced it with my usual jacket.

Sora: "Better I suppose, but I still prefer my outfit" I looked at the time and saw that it was only 8:30. "I can explore a bit and then go to class from there"

I walked out of my room and explored the immediate area, searching every nook and cranny, before exploring all the different faculties and memorizing their locations.

???: "I didn't take you for an early riser, Mr. Bael" Ozpin entered my view. 

Sora: "I suppose I'm not, I was just exploring the campus before classes. Some people were being unnecessarily loud and I couldn't fall back asleep"

Ozpin: "I understand. Well, classes start in 10 minutes Mr. Bael. Seems your tour will have to be cut short"

Sora: "Seems that way. Well, a good morning to you both" I took my leave and made my way to Professor Ports class.

Port: "Ah ha! My 1st student of the day! Seems your eager to start your student life at Beacon young man" I chuckled.

Sora: "Something like that. I am Sora Bael"

Port: "I know who you are, I watched the recording of the initiation. You did quite brilliantly, I must say"

Sora: "Why thank you. Do you mind where I sit?"

Port: "No no, go ahead and decide for yourself. You're first, you get bragging rights"

Sora: "As you say, sir" He gave a hearty laugh before returning to his desk. I chose the left most seat in the 1st row and got out my notes. I saw that he had several species of grimm on the board.

I already know this, but I suppose I should go over the basics again. I copied down everything written on the board. Strengths and weaknesses, birth cycles, area of origin, size, etc.

As I was doing that, I noticed more and more people funneling in as it got closer and closer to the bell. Immediately after the bell rang, someone came barreling through the door.

Once they stopped, I realized it was all of team RWBY and team JNPR. I laughed and shook my head, while Port gave a speech about not being late on the first day.

He let them off with a warning before starting his class.

Port: "Monsters! Demons. . . Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of grimm have many names. But I simply refer to them as my pray. Hu-Hah! Haha" 

Awkward silence. . .

Port: "Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other 3 kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world.

Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses. . ."

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now