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Emerald: "Please, somebody help him!" 2 paramedics come out with a stretcher. "Can you do something?"

Paramedic 1: "We need to get this boy to a hospital. Grab a blanket" They lifted him and carried him out, Emerald walking next to them.

Yang: "You don't understand! He attacked me, I swear!"

Sora: "Save it! Do we need to take this further?"


Ironwood: "I'm sorry. But you've left us with no choice"

Yang: "But he attacked me!"

Ironwood: "Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise"

Weiss: "But Yang would never do that!"

Sora: "I believe that's up for debate"

Ruby: "Sora!"

Sora: "This is my job Thorns. I'm here to protect people and right now, your sister is definitely making my job harder"

Ironwood: "*sighs* You all seem like good students. And the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would lash out the way you did. Under normal circumstances. 

But I believe, and hope this to be, is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgement can become clouded in an instant.

Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight has passed"

Yang: "But I wasn't-"

Sora: "That's ENOUGH! The truth is that, whether it was an assault or an accident, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've drawn their own conclusions. 

And it's our job to inform you that. . . you're disqualified" 

Yang looked down in sadness and Ironwood and I left the room. 

Ironwood: "I wasn't expecting you to be so harsh with them"

Sora: "I need to sell the part don't I? But god, Ruby's face. . . I feel terrible lying to her like that"

Ironwood: "So you believe she's innocent as well?"

Sora: "Yang might be the most hot-headed person I've ever met, but she is extremely kind and caring. Just look at the way she treats her sister. There is no natural way she would do this"

Ironwood: "So you think foul play?"

Sora: "I know it's foul play. First off, the kid has prosthetic legs" He looked at me surprised.

Ironwood: "Your sure?"

Sora: "Nero fought him in a sparring match a little while ago. Second off, Emerald's semblance is hallucinations"

Ironwood: "That's his green haired teammate, correct? How could you possibly know that?"

Sora: "Because the same thing happened to Coco Adel during their doubles match against them. After she was pulled into the forest, she says she saw Yatsuhashi walk up to her, just before she saw he was eliminated"

Ironwood: "I see your point. . . But even still, it's a little far-fetched" I grabbed his collar and slammed him into the wall. His knights pointed their guns at me but Ironwood waved his hand, forcing them to stand down.

Sora: "You wanted my judgment, so there it is. When this comes back to bite you in the ass, you'll wish you listened to me" I let go of him and continued walking.

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now