The Stray

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Weiss: "The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!"

Ruby: "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out. . ." I pinch Weiss' arm and she smacks me.

Weiss: "Ow! Cut it out!"

Sora: "We sure this is the real Ice Queen? She's kind of called Ice Queen for a reason"

Weiss: "How could you 2 not smile? A festival dedicated to the culture of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking"

Sora: "I mean, I kinda got dragged here by a certain little red, so I'm really not feelin the magic"

Yang: "Wow. You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring"

Weiss: "Hush you!"

Yang: "Weiss, can you remind me why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the docks?"

Ruby: "Ugh, they smell like fish"

Sora: "Well Thorns, we're near the ocean. Oceans may or may not have fish in them" She pouted and punched me in the arm.

Ruby: "What's with calling me Thorns?"

Sora: "I don't know. Want me to call you Rosebud?" She shook her head no. "Red?" No. "Little Red?" No. "Red riding hood?" No. I noticed her face was matching the color of her hood the more I talked.

Ruby: "Thorns is ok. . ." I chuckled and pet her head.

Weiss: "If you must know, Yang, I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. As a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom"

I hit my palm with the bottom of my fist as a light bulb goes off in my head.

Sora: "Ahh, so you just want to spy on them a little before the tournament, so you can gain the upper hand?"

Weiss: "Ugh, you can't prove that"

Sora: "I agree with this actually. It's a good idea"

Weiss: "I mean, yes! That's exactly what I was doing!"

Ruby: "No! He's been infected!" She dramatically fell to her knees.

Sora/Weiss: "Oh stop being so dramatic"

Ruby: "Noooooo" I sighed before reaching my hand out.

Sora: "You done?"

Ruby: "Nope"

Sora: "I'll buy you as many cookies as you want" She instantly grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. She had the biggest smile on her face.

Ruby: "I'm done! Cookies!"

Sora: "*laughing* Hold on, I didn't say when, did I?" She pouted before looking at something. I followed her line of sight and saw a dust shop.

Ruby: "What happened here?"

Cop 1: "Robbery, second dust shop hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle"

Yang: "That's terrible"

Cop 2: "They left all the money again"

Ruby: "Huh?"

Cop 1: "Yeah, just don't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much dust?"

Cop 2: "I dunno. You know what I'm thinking?"

Cop 1: "You thinking the uh, White Fang?"

Cop 2: "I'm thinking we don't get paid enough"

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now