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After we had fill of dancing, Ruby and I made our way to the second floor, hand in hand.

Yang: "I guess you two are finally a thing now. About time"

Ruby: "Yaaaang!"

Sora: "I guess we are" I leaned down and kissed her on her forehead.

Ruby: "H-Hey!"

Yang: "You treat her right, understand?"

Sora: "Yes ma'am" I noticed a particular duo in the corner of my eye. 

Yang: "Aww, you two are just so cute!"

Ruby: "Yaaaaang!"

Sora: "Great job with the dance by the way. It turned out really good"

Yang: "Thanks, but it wasn't all me. Weiss help a lot too. And Lilith and Inari made it possible, because I doubt Weiss and I would've been able to get everything by ourselves. . . We really needed this"

Sora: "We sure did

Yang: "Tomorrow it's back to work"

Ruby: "Well, I'm sure we can handle whatever get's thrown at us"

Sora: "Well said" Jaune and Pyrrha joined us."Well well well, what do we have here? Seems you finally figured it out"

Jaune: "I-It was only thanks to you"

Sora: "You're damn right, now go have fun you crazy kids"

Jaune: "You heard him. Now, do you want to stand there, or do you wanna dance?"

Pyrrha: "I. . . would love to dance"

Nora: "Ren; This. Is. Happening!"

Ren: "Wait, what is happening?"

(Jaune is just wearing a tux, no dress)

Sora: "That was. . . Amazing!"

Ruby: "Can we go?"

Sora: "Sure" She led me to the balcony and we leaned on the railing. I noticed her shivering. "Here" I draped my coat over her shoulders.

Ruby: "What about you?"

Sora: "I'll be fine" I put an arm around her shoulders as she leaned against me. 

Ruby: "H-Hey Sora?"

Sora: "Yeah Thorns?"

Ruby: "C-Can I have a-another k-kiss?"

Sora: "Sure. Where do you want it?" She stood up as tall as she could and pointed to her lips. "*laughing* Of course" I lowered my head and planted my lips on hers.

As we kissed, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. When we broke the kiss, we pressed our foreheads together.

Ruby: "I love you"

Sora: "I love you too" She leaned back in for another kiss, but I saw someone jump from the rooftops out the corner of my eye. I gave her a quick peck. "Sorry Thorns, duty calls"

Ruby: "What do you mean?" I motioned over to the CCT tower and she saw the person too. "Awww, I wanted another kiss" She pouted.

Sora: "I'll give you as many kisses as you want after we deal with this. Ok?" She nodded. I pulled out my scroll and called in my locker, as did Ruby. I strapped Muramasa to my waist as Ruby grabbed Crescent Rose.

We jumped over the railing and made our way to the base of the tower, where we saw the guard was unconscious.

Sora: "Glad we brought our weapons, who ever this is will probably put up a fight. Be careful"

Ruby: "I will" We headed inside, where we more guards unconscious. We called the elevator down, where we found 2 more unconscious guards.

Sora: "This guy does not know how to be subtle, huh?" Once the elevator arrived, we stepped out cautiously.

Ruby: "Hello?"

Sora: "Thorns. . ." I face palmed.

Ruby: "What?"

Sora: "Nothing. Too late now"

Ruby: "Is anyone there?"

Sora: Why are all the computers on?

Ruby: "Hello?" A person stood out of cover, but she kept her back to us. "Excuse me. You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-"

Sora: "Get back!" 

~3rd POV~

The woman launched shards of glass at Sora and Ruby. Sora stepped forwards and sliced them all to pieces. The woman created 2 swords and exchanged blows with Sora.

Neither one could hit each other, when the woman flipped backwards and turned her swords into a bow. She then fired 3 arrows, which Sora easily destroyed.

The elevator opened, revealing Ironwood. Sora looked back for a second, before getting kicked across the face. The woman then dropped a smoke bomb and escaped.

The woman transformed her clothes into a dress and disappeared into the crowd of students in the ballroom. Someone tapped the Emeralds shoulder.

Cinder: "Oh, may I cut in?"

Emerald: "Of course" Emerald stopped dancing with Mercury and Cinder danced with him instead.

Mercury: "And how's your night been?"

Cinder: "Hmm, a little more exciting than. . . exciting than expected"

Mercury: "Should we be worried?"

Cinder: "Hardly. They'll be scratching their heads long after we've finished what we came here for"

Mercury: "So then, what now?"

Cinder: "Enjoy the rest of the night. After all. . . it is a party"

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now