A New Burden to Bear

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~3rd POV~

Sora: "That. . . is a lot"

Ozpin: "Please, take your time"

Sora: "I mean, it's not the most impossible thing I've ever heard but it's really far out there. Maidens, and by extension magic, is real. . . And your curse because you failed to stop your enemy. . ."

Ozpin: "All true, I'm afraid"

Sora: "Why me?"

Ozpin: "I'm sorry?"

Sora: "Why are you telling me this? And why now?"

Ozpin: "Because I see a lot of myself in you. You're bright, charismatic, you force people to look past your faunus traits and see you for who you are. Not only that, you are a very skilled fighter"

Sora: "Then why now? Why not when I've proven myself, or grown?"

Ozpin: "Because frankly put, our enemies are gathering and I don't believe there is much time left until they strike. I need people I can trust by my side to repel them when the time comes"

Sora: "I see. . ."

Ozpin: "This is a lot to digest, but you do have a job currently. The reasons you were picked for that job are similar to the reasons you were picked for this one. Just take your time, I will call you if anything happens"

Sora: ". . . Ok. I'll. . . see you later then Professor" Sora then left the office.

Ozpin: "I hope this will ultimately prove to be the right move" He took a sip from his mug. "Only time will tell, not that that's on our side either"


I found a seat in the arena to watch Emerald and Mercury against Coco and Yatsuhashi. The minute the match started, Emerald and Mercury retreated into the tall grass.

Coco transformed her handbag into her minigun and fired into the grass, cutting it all down. They looked around confused, until they noticed Mercury coming at them from above.

Yatsuhashi pushed Coco out of the way and blocked the attack, pushing him off and into the air. He did some flips before he landed, before running around them in a circle to dodge Coco's bullets.

He then got in between them, preventing Coco from firing unless she wanted to hit Yatsuhashi. Mercury took the chance and landed some hits on Yatsuhashi, before jumping onto Coco's gun.

Mercury jumped into the air, only to get punched away. As he was flying through the sky, he grabbed onto Coco's shoulder, kicking the back of her gun, forcing her to shove the barrel of her gun into Yatsuhashi's stomach.

Coco transformed her gun back into a handbag and she tried to hit him with it, but he flipped under it, landing on his back and kicking 2 shots at them as he jumped to his feet.

Sora: It's like Yang, just with his legs. . . And he's more adaptable, faster, and definitely stronger.

Mercury started break dancing, firing countless shots that circled around him, before all converging on Coco and Yatsuhashi. Mercury then appeared behind them and grabbed an arm each and began kicking them.

Mercury kicked Yatsuhashi away, concentrating his assault on Coco and kicking her in the face multiple times, before kicking her in the back of the head, sending her to the ground.

Coco got up and was dragged into the forest part of the arena by chains. Yatsuhashi was distracted by that and received a kick to the face for it. He grabbed Mercury by the collar and threw him at the geysers.

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