No Brakes

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Roman: "Wow, you are so much more manageable when you're tied up" I glared at him. "Oh man. Ya know, Perry, I really did need this *laughing*"

Roman: "But seriously. . . How'd ya find this place, Canine?"

Sora: "Would you believe me if I said it was luck?" 15%. I jumped back and tried to get away, but something hooked the back of my shirt and I was dragged back.

Roman: "That was fast. I see you have some tricks up your sleeve. Let me make this clear. We're not through here yet" His cane reconnected and an explosion went off in the distance.

Roman: "Oh, what the-? Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kind of in the middle of something" Another explosion went off. "What is going on here?!"

A 3rd explosion went off as White Fang Members came running from something.

Roman: "Do you know what that is?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "Great" I then saw team RWBY, Dr. Oobleck, and my team come around the corner. I kicked the back of Roman's knee in.

Sora: 50%. I rushed over to them.

Roman: "Somebody kill him!" Roman and all the White fang around him started firing at me, but I dodged all of it. "Attach this car, and spread the word. We're starting the train"

White Fang Member: "But we're not finished"

Roman: "Do it, or you're finished!" I focused back in front of me to see a firing squad. But, before they could do anything, an explosion sent them flying.

Ruby: "Sora!" She tackled me and began squeezing me to death.

Nero: "You good?"

Sora: "Can't. . . breathe. . ."

Ruby: "Oh, hehe. Sorry" She let go, giving me time to breathe, before taking it away again by giving me a short kiss.

Sora: "I missed you too, but can someone please cut the ropes off?" Nero swung down, chopping the ropes in half. "My Muramasa?" Nero tossed it to me and I strapped it to my waist.

Sora: "Alright, we're good. Wait, no we're not. Listen, Torchwick's has a lot of weapons down here, and he has more paladins"

Blake: "What?"

Sora: "Not just Paladins, he also has the smaller androids as well. They're all loaded on the train cars"

Oobleck: "Ah, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed. The tracks lead to a dead end"

White Fang Member: "*over intercom* Get to your places, we are leaving now!" The train started up.

*Train Horn*

Sora: "You were saying? Sealed or not, they lead right into the heart of Vale"

Yang: "It sounds like they're going somewhere"

Ruby: "We need back up! Let me call Jaune" She tried to call him, but she still had low signal.

Sora: "Your first thought for back up. . . is Jaune?"

Ruby: "I can't get through!"

Weiss: "So, what do we do?"

Oobleck: "I believe we only have one option"

Sora: "We're stopping that train"

WF Member: "Huh? I think they're on the-" Nero punched him into the way with his semblance.

~3rd POV~

WF Member: "Boss! They made it onto the train!"

Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now