(Volume 1: End): Black and White

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It's been 2 days since anyone's heard from Blake. Inari and I were with RWY in town, trying to find her.

Ruby: "She's been gone all weekend. . ."

Weiss: "Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself"

Sora: "You're certainly no help"

Yang: "Sora's right, she's one of our teammates"

Weiss: "Is she? We all heard what she said"

Sora: "Weiss, that's enough"

Yang: "Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing and we need to find her"

Weiss: "A member of the White Fang, right under our noses!"

Ruby: "I just hope she's ok. . ." I placed my hand and the top of her head, causing her to look up at me.

Sora: "It'll be fine Thorns. We'll find her" She gave me a smile and we continued looking for Blake.


Ruby: "Blaaake?!

Yang: "Blaaake?!"

Ruby: "Blaaake?! Where are yoooou?"

Yang: "Blake?!" Weiss continued to refuse to help as I used my enhanced senses to look for Blake.

Ruby: "Weiss. you're not helping!"

Weiss: "I don't know why you're looking at me, Sora isn't doing anything either"

Sora: "For you're information, princess, you are her teammate. You should be doing more than me anyways. Besides, I AM doing something, I'm taking advantage of my traits"

Weiss: "How do we know you 2 aren't working together and you're just telling her our location so she can keep avoiding us? Better yet, how do we know YOU'RE not part of the White Fang?"

Ruby: "Weiss! He-?!" Everyone was surprised by how mad she sounded, but I just cut her off.

Sora: "Ruby, it's fine. Here's my scroll; it's unlocked. You can go through it or whatever if that'll help. I think it's time me and Inari look somewhere else. Let's go Inari" 

I walked off, ignoring Ruby's cries to stay.

Inari: "Thought you were. . . used to it?"

Sora: "It's different when it comes from a friend, as loose as that term is with Weiss. Let's go search all the bookstores and cafes"

~Small Timeskip~

Sora: "Ugh, we've been looking all day. . . Where is she?"

Inari: "She might. . . be going after the. . . White Fang"

Sora: "Maybe. . . But where does that take us?" A huge explosion went off at the docks. "Plot at it's finest"

Inari: ". . . What?"

Sora: "Nothing. We should probably hurry" She nodded and followed me to the docks. When we got there, we saw Blake and the monkey faunus from the other day, fighting Torchwick and the White Fang.

Sora: "Wanna take the small fry?" She nodded and unsheathed the 2 swords on her belt.

Sora: "Wanna take the small fry?" She nodded and unsheathed the 2 swords on her belt

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Not Just Black and White- A RWBY OC Insert Volume 1-3 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now