Chapter 6

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Your heart sinks as you read the letter

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Your heart sinks as you read the letter.

It's obviously from the rogue pack that you refused to give any more resources to. It says:

"I heard you've found your mate. An Omega, at that? You're almost making this too easy. You've made your mistake, now he will pay the price."

Yoongi was right. You're such a fucking idiot. Your hands shake with fear as you imagine what the letter could possibly mean. It's definitely a threat, you know that for sure. You're about to mind link Yoongi, asking him to come to your office when there's a knock at your door.

It's Jimin. You would've detected his scent earlier, but you were too distracted. You quickly fold up the letter, hiding it under some papers on your desk. "Come in, baby."

He enters the room with a small smile, immediately hopping into your lap and nuzzling into you. "Are you done yet? I miss you." He whines.

You clear your throat in hopes that it will prevent your voice from shaking when you speak. "I guess I can take a break." You muster up a smile.

Jimin suddenly freezes, narrowing his eyes as he looks up at you. "Are you okay?"

Shit. You guess that didn't work. "I'm fine." You reassure him, swallowing thickly. "Just a little stressed, that's all."

He stares into your eyes for a bit longer, trying to detect any hint of a lie. You feel like you're being interrogated. Then his gaze softens and you breathe an internal sigh of relief. "Do you want to cuddle? It might help you feel better."

You smile. You're pretty sure he's saying that just because he wants to cuddle. But either way, you're not going to refuse. "Sure, let's go."

He grins, sliding off your lap. As he grabs your hand, pulling you out of your office, you make a mental note to tell Yoongi about the letter later. It's very important, so you want to tell him in person.

A few minutes later, you're laying on Jimin's chest, clutching to his waist as he reads his book. Well, your book. The position is so comfy that it doesn't take long for you to forget about all of your worries and fall asleep.


When you wake up, your body is on fire. Your skin feels like it's burning up and there's a strong pulse in your nether regions. You feel your gut twisting in desire. You're in heat.

Luckily, your brain kicks in before your wolf does. You quickly push yourself off of Jimin, who looks at you with wide eyes. "Go get Yoongi." You say through gritted teeth and Jimin's eyes widen.

"W-what?" He stutters, looking very confused.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, your self control quickly draining. If Jimin doesn't move away from you within the next thirty seconds, you're going to take what you want whether he likes it or not. "Don't ask questions, go get Yoongi!" You tell him sternly.

You never raise your voice at Jimin, so he knows this is serious. He quickly nods, scrambling off the bed and out the door.

The heat continues to boil in your gut and it takes all your energy to not run after Jimin, drag him back in here, and ravage him. But you know he's not ready for that yet, so you're going to have to endure your heat alone.

By the time Yoongi bursts in, your wolf has almost completely taken over your human form. If you see Jimin again, there is no doubt in your mind that you will mate with him on the spot.

"Mate, where?" You question Yoongi as he holds your wrists tightly behind your back, leading you down to the basement. There is a room built specially for this occasion.

"Not telling you." Yoongi answers coolly. Smart man.

He gently shoves you into the room, where there is a stash of enough food and water to last you for your entire heat cycle. There's also a few toys to help you relieve yourself if need be. You hear him double bolt and triple bolt the door before heading back upstairs.

After a few hours, the pain and extreme arousal begin to subside and you can think about things other than what you would do to Jimin if he was here with you right now. Then your mind begins to drift to the letter and you realize that you forgot to tell Yoongi.

Well, shit.

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