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The alarm rang at 6 AM, but she had been awake for quite a while...more like she hadn't gone to sleep for even a moment. 5 minutes passed and the ceiling was more interesting than ever. What was it that she loved staring at it so much? Maybe because it made her drift back to sleep so slowly..."Ouch" she slapped herself. "I need to get ready."

Her body possessed no energy whatsoever and her laziness led her to the nearby bathroom instead of the downstairs one. She washed her face and glared at the skincare products in front of her. "Yeah, fuck that." As she proceeded to brush her teeth, she felt a sharp pain in her head. "Ugh a migraine. When was pulling two all nighters in a row a good idea? I really need to stop impulsively making decisions which I'll later on regret." She shook her head. "It is what it is."

Her mom greeted her with a tired but caring "Good morning" that made her feel warm and motivated. The slightest affection from her beloved parent gave her some energy.

The so-hated school uniform was waiting on her bed, ironed and ready to be worn. "I hate you. Do you know that?" She whispered as she wore the T-Shirt and tight pants.

Her phone was no longer charging, but in her hand ready to accompany her on the way to school. With her headphones on she waited for the school-bus. It was expectedly quiet. The trees outside the window started spinning, racing backwards. She closed her eyes hypnotized, teleporting to scholar environment without even knowing.
"Hey wake up! We're here." A friend shook her.
"Ah already..." The sleepy girl sighed. "I don't even know why I do this to myself."

"Seems like you didn't sleep again." Her guy friend approached her as they were walking out of the bus. "What were you doing this time?"
"Watching a series, crying, listening to sad music and crying, then I did a bit of research on Alexander the Great and Hephaestion. That made me cry even more."
"You've officially gone mad." The guy sighed.
"I'm sorry that my way of living doesn't meet your expectations Onnor."
"Your living doesn't even meet the basic expectations."
"Would you shut up." She hit his arm.
"As you wish. It's not like I have the energy to argue with a sleep deprived Y/n."
"Great realization."

Everyone is kindly requested to come down to the front yard. The assembly is about to start.

"Dang it! Do they every get tired of this?" A girl huffed as she passed by Y/n.
"Tell me about it. It's like they try their hardest to make our mornings worse." Y/n said. She left her bag in the classroom and rushed outside.

"Hey Y/n, morning!" Her friend greeted her.
"Dude you look like a raccoon." Another guy grinned at her.
"I can see the skull emoji accompanying that sentence ." She replied.
"You spend too much time on your phone."
"I'm not even gonna bother arguing about that.

Guys...guys stay in a line please. You will quickly proceed to walk inside.

"I think it would be time to take our mugshots. This school is a prison in disguise." A voice is heard from the crowd of students.

Hey! You in the back. The principal's office right after the assembly.

"This is some crap I can't even be bothered to discuss." The voice is heard again. "Let's get this over with."
Everyone's eyes widen. From the crowd, a very tall figure is seen.

"Oh it's a first year student. They sure be getting brave in here." Y/n grinned.
"I know right. Let's just go in." Her friend slightly pushed her towards the stairs.
"And now, as for hell..."

Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well. This is a brand new story I have come up with and I hope whoever is reading, likes this 💜.

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