The end?

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  Home was quiet, very different from what Y/n had been experiencing in her mind. There was no Tae Hee she could annoy and no Johnny contact she could text with.

"Y/n! Come down! We're eating dinner." The mother called for her.
"Yes...Tae...Mom..." A tear fell down her cheek.
The girl went downstairs as slowly as possible. Her dad pointed at the empty chair, in front of a table filled with all kinds of food. Y/n had always associated food with comfort, that's what her parents had picked up from her.

A loud silence accompanied the three of them. Nothing was said, but a lot was understood from the sadness in her eyes.

"You know honey...You can always take the korean exchange student." Her dad scratched his head.
"It's not the same." Her eyes wondered around the table.
"There's no convenience store, no Tae Hee, no second floor, no Johnny, no Daehwi, no nothing."
"Honey they're not real people..." The woman looked worryingly at the her daughter.

The girl pushed the chair she was sitting on and rushed upstairs. Tears were threatening to burst out of her eyes. As soon as she walked inside of her room, they were let free.

What am I even doing? Why am I so delusional? He doesn't even know I exist. How could my mind manipulate me like this? What happened to being down to earth?
She was criticizing herself mentally. Thoughts ran wild, holding a whole lecture. She was disgusted in herself. She went crazy over an obsession. She didn't want that.

All she could do was grab a notebook and deliberately write down everything that came to mind. The black marker became a weapon against her own self.

(⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ )
I want that life back
I want Tae Hee back
I want Johnny back
Hopeless daydreamer
Why am I doing this to my parents
Reality sucks
I want to live in my own mind
I don't want this life
I don't want any life
I don't want to live
I want to die
I want
I love you mom
I love you dad
Please take care
Don't worry about me
My brother will always be there for you
Your worrisome daughter will leave
I hope you remain happy
Don't get too sad

She felt so weak emotionally and mentally. She wasn't strong enough to endure reality.

On her sight only a razor could be seen.
She saw it as an opportunity.
She became brave.
She acted upon her feelings.
She left this reality.
She breathed her last breath.
She was finally free.

(A/N: Sorry for this short last chapter. This is the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed it xx)

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