Strawberry Cake

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"Man, who the hell invented arithmetic progressions?" Y/n scratched her head as she glared at her notebook.
"Feels like I've spent an eternity trying to do this." She sighed. Leaving her bed, she headed to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle.
"Wonder what's he doing."

She was lying on her bed, one hand holding her phone and the other over her head. Her eyes slowly narrowed, until they completely closed. Her mind was seeing all kinds of things, quickly waking up to the sound of an alarming sound.

Y/n opened her eyes and immediately reached for her phone.
"6:30 alarm?" She stared at the phone.
"I slept for 12 hours straight?!" She shouted at her reflection on her phone.

"Can you keep it down?" Tae Hee whined in her sleep.
"No, but you do have to GET UP." Y/n shook the girl. "It's school time."

"Good morning class." A black haired woman entered the classroom. Every student stood up and bowed as they greeted back.
"Today we're going to go through the last lesson one more time. Let's start with the homework." She nudged her head. "Who's willing to come up here and show us their homework?"
The class went silent and everybody lowered their heads.

"...Martin Y/n. Why don't you come and give it a try? We'll explain anything  you don't understand."
The girl nodded her head and got up from her seat.

Half-way through the exercise, Y/n happened to take a glance at the nearby window. Her eyes captured a familiar figure across the street.
It's him! She thought excitedly.
"Oh I'm sorry! I'm about to finish."
The teacher traced her student's sight, seeing a very tall man outside the window. She smiled at the sudden scene.


"Hey Y/n! Want to sit with us at the canteen?
"I'd really love to, but can I do that tomorrow? I have to meet someone right now. I really appreciate the invitation, though." Y/n bowed.
"Oh it's totally okay. Tomorrow it is then." The girl smiled.

Y/n hurried outside of the school's building, making her way out of the main gate.
"Hey!" She half-shouted at the masked boy.
"Oh hi!" An eye smile was seen in his face."What are you doing here?"
"I go to school here..."
"An international school?"
"Well yeah..."

She looked at him up and down and tried to strike up a conversation several times, only for Johnny to respond with one word sentences.
Without saying a word, Y/n turned her back to the boy and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" He quickly grabbed her wrist.
"School." Y/n shook his hand off her wrist and ran back to the building.
He got what he wanted and thinks he can ignore me? I'll ignore him first.

"Y/n! I'm staying after school again." Tae Hee approached Y/n and quickly left.
Great. Alone. Again.
She slowly walked through the crowded street, earphones in blasting her playlist. Her mood wasn't the best and she couldn't do anything about it. Tae Hee was busy and Johnny was the last one she'd want to talk to right now.

"Careful." She accidentally bumped her shoulder with a guy's.
"I'm sorry." Y/n bowed. "Daehwi?"
"Y/n? Oh my god, hi!"
"The most perfect timing!" Y/n smiled wide.
"Huh?" The guy seemed rather confused.

"Are you free right now? Do you want to grab a coffee or eat something? My treat."
"I am free, but I can't let you pay..."
"Oh shut up Daehwi, put you big boy pants on and let's go."

Just like that, the both of them were sat in a small caffè. A delicious slice of strawberry cake was in front of the ginger-head.
"Do you really love strawberry cake?" The guy scrunched his nose.

"Look I understand you, but hear me out." Y/n started. "I have a love-hate relationship with strawberry flavored things. This is the love phase and I'm craving them."
"You're weird." Daehwi giggled at the strange explanation.
"I'm just indecisive. Ok?" Daehwi laughed at the last sentence, causing the girl to giggle as well.

They were walking near the convenience store, both cracking up jokes.
"I never asked you about your age." Y/n came to the sudden realization.
"Oh, I am 21 years old." The guy smiled.
"Another legal drinker." Y/n facepalmed internally.
"If I were to be American though."
"True." She giggled once more.

"Well that's me." She pointed at the convenience store.
"You have a shift right now?"
"Not exactly, but close. Anyway...thank you for hanging out!"
"Thank you for inviting me." The boy lowered his head. "Well, goodbye Y/n!"
"Bye Daehwi!"

The girl waited for the boy to leave and headed towards the building's entrance.
Don't get her wrong, she did like hanging out with Daehwi, but she didn't trust him enough to let him know where she lived. Safety over everything.

As she was facing the entrance, she saw the masked man once again. She chose to ignore him, just like he had done earlier that day.

"Hey Y/n!"
She didn't even budge. She unzipped her backpack and reached for the keys.
"Why are you ignoring me?"
She put the keys in and unlocked the front door. The girl entered the building and attempted to close the door quickly, but a hand prevented that from happening.

"I'm sorry for not talking much today. I had something to take care of."
He pushed the door, as she was struggled to close it. Johnny immediately entered the building and lifted the girl on his back.
"Oh my god! What are you doing?!" She shouted as she punched his back. "Let me down!"

"You don't seem to understand with words. Maybe I'll knock some sense into you in another way."
"Don't you dare..."
He ran to her door and demanded the keys. The door opened and Johnny removed his shoes, headed towards the bedroom and threw the girl in her bed.

A rough kiss was placed upon her lips, almost punishing every mischievous thought she had had that day.
"Let's see who's going to ignore who." Johnny glared at her.

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