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The guy raised his eyebrow at the sudden backlash.
Tae Hee could swear that the atmosphere wasn't letting her breathe for a moment and tried to ease the silence.
"Alright people."

"Hey Tae!" Y/n waved her hand in a big crowd of people to get her roomie's attention as she got closer to Tae Hee.
"Let's go home." Y/n grabbed her hand.
"Uhm...actually I kinda have to stay." Tae Hee scratched her head. "I'm trying to socialize." She whispered in Y/n's ear.
"Oh! You get them girl." Y/n nodded as she noticed a blond guy standing in Tae Hee's sight.

Y/n walked home alone, her phone on her hands and her mind on someone.


So you decided to text back?

Well okay then. Bye.

I swear I can't even have
a joke with you.
Read 13:45 pm
What's up?
How's life?

Today was my first day
of korean school.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
But I was kinda wondering...

Oh that's great
I was gonna ask you
how it was, but ok.
And what were you

Are you busy?


Oh please Johnny
Spare me some time

No I'm not.

Can you meet me in front
of your building?
Like rn?
I'm out here

Read 13:55pm

Johnny took his jacket and quickly opened the door. His eyes reached for the elevator, which was taking an eternity to arrive.
"Nevermind, I'm taking the stairs."
He rushed down the stairs, not even catching a breath.

As he opened the main gate he saw a very pleasant view. He didn't know what it was, but his eyes sparkled like some anime character when he saw the girl. Her hair was messy and her cheeks were red, because of the chilly weather. God, he had never seen a person so cute.

"Hi!" Y/n came closer to Johnny. She pulled her jacket's sleeves and looked like she was trying to initiate a big request.
"Why did you want to meet me?" The guy stood there one, one hand on his mask.
"Well...If you remember what happened last time...I...Look I'm a very straightforward person as you may have noticed. And what I'm about to say isn't embarrassing, right?"
"It depends..." Johnny looked rather confused.

"Can we continue where we left..." The girl looked down at her fiddling fingers while Johnny's jaw dropped mentally.
"It might seem very tactless...or very...unethical? Whatever. It's a personal need."
"All of a sudden? Right after school?" Johnny could not believe the girl in front of him. How could a person so innocent-looking be like this?

"You know what? I'm just gonna go and figure this out on my own." Disappointment could be heard in her voice.
Suddenly Johnny grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside the building. The way upstairs was pretty quiet and Y/n knew exactly where this was going.

They entered the flat and Johnny immediately locked the door. He stayed there for a minute or two, making Y/n doubt her instincts.

Mischievously innocent || Johnny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now