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A/n: Can we talk about how this album is literally golden? I love it so much! Got7 really did it again🥺
Okay now back to the story.

"Y/n! Wake up!" Tae Hee shouted as she was shaking the sleepy girl.
"Hey!" Y/n was annoyed to the core. She always hated being woken up. "I was having the best dream ever, could you not?" She rubbed her eyes.
"It's 11am. You need to get ready. We're going out in 1 hour."
Y/n bolted from her bed and ran to the bathroom.
"Make it quick Y/n!" Tae Hee shouted once again.

"What do you think about this notebook?" Tae Hee showed a pinkish notebook with an inspirational quote written on it.
"How about this one? Look it's periwinkle!"
"Y/n that's violet." Tae Hee rolled her eyes at the weird name.
"Look at it again." Y/n demanded.
"Oh it's baby blue. Whatever." Tae Hee took another look at the notebook. "Ok it's a mix of blue and lavender."
"Yes, Tae. And that's periwinkle, you uncultured rat." Y/n roughly pulled the notebook off of Tae Hee's hands, knowing she had won.

"Ok whatever. Let's go look for some cute pencils." The roommate made her way to the isle as she was followed by Y/n.

"Did we get everything?" Tae asked and Y/n nodded a "Yes".
"Oh my god look! New albums in stock! Let's go in!" Tae Hee enthusiastically entered the nearby store.
"She has so much energy." Y/n dragged her feet, forced to follow her friend.

"They're doing individual albums. This is so convenient." Y/n grabbed a Taeyong ver, NCT 127 album.
"I know right! Look at Dye album! It's so beautiful. I'm buying it." Tae Hee exclaimed.
"Get me a copy too. I'm going to get an SF9 album." Y/n said.

As Tae Hee was picking up the said album, two very tall figures could be seen next to her. She looked at them and widened her eyes in realization.

"So we're going to buy our new albums today!" The guy talked to his camera, holding the tripod.
Tae Hee ran to signal her friend on what was going on.

"It's Johnny and Jaehyun, I'm telling you. They're filming for JCC!"
She grabbed her friend's arm. "Let's go ask for a picture or an autograph on our albums. Come on!"
"No, Tae..." Y/n protested.

Tae Hee waited for the two guys to stop filming, and quickly dragged her friend across the store.
"Hello! We're big fans of yours. May we please get a picture or an autograph?" Tae Hee asked politely. Johnny stared her down, recalling her face. He looked to her side and saw another familiar face. He smiled as he saw the flustered girl standing beside Tae Hee.
"If it's okay with you, of course." She added out of awkwardness.

"It's totally okay." Jaehyun gave a hearty smile. "Who should I sign this to?"
"Tae Hee."
"What about this one?" Johnny grinned.
"Y-Y/n." The girl answered.
"I'm sorry, but we cannot take a picture with you girls." Jaehyun joined his hands in a sign of apology.
"No problem. Thank you so much!" Tae Hee bowed and so did Y/n.

"I feel like I've seen you before." Jaehyun directed the question towards Y/n. "Actually I'm very sure. Your appearance is very distinct. In a good way."
"Oh! You guys always come to our store. I work in front of SM." Y/n smiled.
"Oh that's why!" Jaehyun cheekily looked at Johnny. "Since we know you, let us buy your albums. You are our supporters after all." Jaehyun offered.
"No! It's totally fine!" The girls protested, but of course Jaehyun did what he had to do.

"Well that really was something." Y/n shrugged as she put down the shopping bags.
"I'm so happy. I'm living the fanfiction life I swear." Tae Hee jumped around the room happily.
Y/n smiled as she saw the younger happy.
"Okay then. I have to unpack these and get ready for work."

As she was unpacking the items, something fell from her bag.
"A wallet?" She took it in her hands and searched for an ID or card. "Seo Jun Oh?" She rolled her eyes. "I have to bring this to him, don't I?"

She opened the door and quickly put her shoes on. Y/n didn't even know what floor Johnny's room was and that was a bad start. What if she just let it in the company's information desk? No that would be rude of her. They did pay for her albums after all.

"I have to guess." She muttered as she walked in front of the apartment building.  "Okay so apartments 2,4,7 are SM reserved. Johnny did say he could see my balcony from his room. That means he must be on the third floor, so apartment 4." She waited for a minute.
"Let's hope I'm not wrong." Y/n took a breath in and opened the front door.

Knock knock
Knock knock
Knock *Crack*
The door was open. Why was it open?
Y/n looked inside the apartment confused. "Is it okay if I go in? I'll just leave the wallet on a table."

She walked around the apartment trying to find a proper place to put the wallet on. She was met with a white bathroom door. As she was trying to walk past it, a sound was heard.


Her eyes widened as she put her ear close to the locked door. Are these moans? She mentally asked herself. It can't be.
Well I mean it is a bathroom after all. Suddenly the tap water was heard running, and right after the door opened.

Embarrassment circulated through out the both of them standing in front of each other.
"J-Johnny I can explain!" Y/n quickly raised his wallet trying to calm herself down.
"How long have you been here?" Johnny asked, only getting a "Hm" as a response.
All Y/n saw was a blushing tall guy, probably dying on the inside.
"I am so sorry!" She bowed about a hundred times.

"So I had forgotten my wallet on your bag?" Johnny tried to easy the situation, looking at the blushing girl seated on the couch.
"Y-Yeah. I figured I had to give it back to you personally."
"Oh thanks." Johnny went his hand through his hair.
"So... How are you? Have you been eating healthy?"
"I'm healthy as you clearly saw."
"As I clearly heard. I didn't see anything!"

"So you did hear that..." Johnny looked at the girl.
"And again I'm so sorry!" The girl bowed while sitting.
Johnny sat down close to her.
"I shouldn't have barged in like that, even though the door..." She was cut off by a pair of soft lips on hers. Her mind went blank. She couldn't understand what was happening, but soon after she found herself kissing back.

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