Good night

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It was awful. She had dark circles around her eyes and her skin was paler than usual, which meant no melanin whatsoever. It was 1 am KST and the girl had time zone problems.
"What is this madness?" She said tugging her hair in frustration. "This is never going to work."

She looked around her shared dorm room. Her new roommate would be there by tomorrow, yet she felt like they wouldn't get along. "What if it's a Korean? What am I going to do? I don't even know Korean THAT well. Maybe I'll learn? Yeah it's a good experience. No no no no. A Korean in an international school? At least they'll know English right? I'm going crazy." The girl grabbed the nearby pillow and screamed as loud as she could, it being muffled by the pillow. She raised her head and hugged the pillow. "You know what? I'm going to close my eyes and clear my head off of any thoughts. I'm going to beat this time zone shit and I'll be looking like a fresh beauty this morning! Yes! I'll do that..."

She had been laying with her eyes closed for 2 hours, until she fell into a deep sleep. If she were to be awake, she would be so proud of achieving her goal.

Knock knock
Knock knock
Knock knock

"Ah who is it?" She lazily mumbled with her eyes still fast asleep.

Knock knock
Knock knock

"Oh my god!" She quickly got up and ran to the door. "I'm so sorry I was sleeping! Welcome." She bowed in a full 90 degrees angle.
"It's okay! Hello!" The girl bowed back.

The girls both went into the room and stared at the room for a bit.
"Oh where's my manners? Hi I'm Kang Tae Hee! I am 17 years old and just transferred here from the US." The girl bowed once again.
"Hi I'm Y/n Martin! I am 18 years old and I just transferred from (insert any country from the Balkan here)."
"Oh so you are older than me? Should I call you unnie or..?" Tae Hee said in anticipation.
"It's honestly ok. Call me whatever you'd like Tae Hee." Y/n gave the younger a smile. "Want help with unpacking?"
"I do, but..."
"But what?"
"I thought it would be ok to stay in a dorm, but it's worse than I thought..." Tae Hee said.
"I agree."
"I know this is way too fast, but how about we rent an apartment? That's much better."

Y/n sat down on her bed and stared at the floor. "I mean you are right. But I would need to get a part time job."
"Let's do it like this. I'll pay for the food for a month and half the rent, until you get a source of money." Tae Hee offered.
"Are you sure you'd do that? You haven't even spent an hour with me."
"Our living space is way more important right now."
"You do have a point." Y/n agreed. "Let me talk to my parents first. Tae Hee nodded.

"I know dad I know, but you should see how bad the condition is here." Y/n said towards the phone.
"Show me a picture." Her dad said in an unamused tone.
The girl obeyed as she took a picture of the dorm and quickly sent it through Whatsapp.
"Jesus Christ! Is this for what I'm spending so much money on?"
"Exactly dad. It's awful. I really need to move out with Tae Hee."
"But you don't even know the girl." Her dad wondered off.
"Dad I'm in a state where that's the least of my problems."
"That's true. Ok Y/n, but please be careful with choosing your apartment and job. I'm begging you."
"I will dad. You know me. No one can fool me."
"I know honey...I'll send you some money until you do find a job."
"Thank you dad."

Two days later
"Hey Y/n there's another apartment for rent near by. Want to check it out?" Tae Hee put her hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Ok I guess."
"Let's go."

"This is decent

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"This is decent." Y/n said.
Tae Her looked around the room. "How much is the rent?"
"It's 400,000 won." The old man said.
"Hey that's a bit pricey for this small bedroom." Y/n said.
"Young lady, please do mind that this location is very wanted from everyone. I understand that you are a student, but this is Cheongdam-dong we're talking about."
The two girls nodded and started whispering to each-other.
"We'll take it." They both said in unison.

The next day came by pretty quick as the two girls were carrying big card boxes right across the street.
"I feel like I'm gonna pass out." Tae Hee said.
Y/n didn't even have the energy to respond. They were carefully walking with boxes in their hands, when suddenly Y/n bumped into someone.
"Hey please watch out!" She shouted as all the boxes fell on the person in front of her.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"
"It's okay...ah" The guy said holding his head.

"It's only been 5 days and you already injured someone. Talk about bad luck." Tae Hee grinned.
"Hey I'm older than you. Shut up!" The girls switched to English for a moment.
"It's okay. Please could you just help me up?" The guy interrupted their English conversation, in English.
"Oh! Yes!" Y/n reached for his arm and pulled him up, being caught off guard by the fluent accent. "I'm so sorry if that hurts." The girl said worryingly.

The guy stood on his two feet, at a very tall height, a mask covering his mouth and a cap on his head. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you." He bowed.
"I don't blame you. That cap and mask aren't helping your vision any further."
Tae Hee bursted out laughing at what Y/n had just said. "Y/n does the thought that he might be a trainee cross your mind? No one in this neighborhood wears these unless they're idols or trainees."
The guy's eyes shifted to the shorter girl and narrowed while staring at her.
"What makes you think I'm a trainee?"

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