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"Hyung is that you?" Haechan asked as he tapped on his phone.
"Yes. It's me." Johnny closed the door. He removed his shoes and slid on the nearest pair of slippers. He left his shoes near the door, too lazy to put them inside the shoe shelf.

"Where were you?"
"I did say I was going to grab something to eat, didn't I?"
"As in take out, not eat there." Haechan glared at the older.
"It's whatever Haechan. Are you mad at me?"
"Hyung. I could clearly see you in the balcony with that girl."

Johnny became silent for a moment. No sound was heard from him nor Haechan.
Haechan's eyes started to glisten. He was holding back tears in the most dramatic way possible. "Are you that tired of me hyung?" Haechan's tears were now very much visible. His face became shiny as his lips pouted and his eyes glued to the ground.

"What do you mean Haechan? What does any of this have to do with you?" Confusion ran through Johnny's face. The younger in front of him looked miserable, but he couldn't understand why.

"You never stay in this room. Whenever we have free time, you always run out to either hang out with the other members or just disappear. You always avoid me."
"Haechan I.."
"I know I'm very young. I know I got to debut much younger than you, and I hate this. I know you deserve more than just a baby like me. I'm so sorry." The guys bursted into sobs. Johnny was shaken by the reason behind his roommate crying.

"Haechan. I'm very happy to have you as one of my members. I never regretted anything. Debuting with NCT127 was one of the best things that ever happened to me."
"You could've had EXO but now you're here..."
"Haechan! I don't care about being in EXO. All I care about is my current members. You're a very precious brother to me. You should know that." Johnny paused to see the younger wiping his tears.

"I mostly joke around, and I might not be the most affectionate person on Earth. I just want you to know that I love and appreciate you." Johnny hugged Haechan, who at that moment had stopped crying
"I do too hyung."

Next morning

"Yes Kristen. She got drunk drunk." Y/n said covering her laugh while holding her phone.
"Some crazy roommate you got there." Kristen spoke through the screen. "Her name was Tae Hee?"
"Yes Tae Hee."

"Why are you mentioning my name? What are you babbling in that language?" Tae Hee came out of the bathroom, her wet hair on her eyes.
"Oh no she caught me." Y/n and Kristen giggled as they kept the conversation going.
"Ah...Whatever." The wet haired girl grabbed an apple.

"So...Tae Hee. You owe me big time." Y/n said while brushing her roomie's hair.
"Why so?"
"Hm let me recall last night, when I was left alone with a drunk underage girl."
"It's not my fault you were left alone, I didn't leave."
"I could only hope you had left on your own. I had to carry you back home."
"Was that hard? You're so tall, I don't think it must have been a problem."
"Just because I surpass 168 cm, doesn't mean I'm 'so tall'." Y/n said in annoyance.
"You're like 170 to be precise." Tae Hee unnecessarily added. Y/n lightly hit her head as she continued brushing the girl's hair.
"Do not complain midget."

"Whatever. Are you ready for Monday?" Tae Hee asked.
"I actually..."
"Yeah, no I don't care. I'm not. We really need to buy some school supplies." Tae Hee interrupted Y/n. "And some albums because why not?" The girl whispered.
"I fully agree with you." The other girl whispered back causing the both of them to giggle.

"So when are we going mom?"
Y/n laughed harder at the latter. "I start work tomorrow at 3pm. Anytime earlier than that should be fine."
"Ok then. Let's go out at 12pm."
"Ok then. I'm going to eat something and head out for work." Y/n stood up from the bed.

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