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"Of course it's her." Johnny furrowed his eyebrows. "It's so rude of you not to believe me."
"Sorry hyung. But your description of her was so...unrealistic." Mark pouted.
"She did look asian. Why was she so ginger?" Jaehyun shook his head.
"Maybe she is mixed?" Haechan suggested.
"Ya stop talking now." Johnny dragged his feet across the street, just like a little kid trying to get his way.
"Okay okay." Taeil giggled as he ruffled Johnny's hair.

The girls were laying on their beds, phones in their hands. The both of them seemed out of it, but one more than the other.

"Hey Tae Hee...Wanna know what happened today?" Y/n tried to open a conversation.
"Don't know, don't care." The short girl replied.
"Oh my! You're slowly turning into me." Y/n faced the girl.
"Ugh Y/n. Okay what happened?"
"NCT127 guys visited the store I work in." She sang smiling with her pointing fingers up.
"I saw them about 3 hours ago while coming back home." Tae Hee said unamused.
"Ok Tae Hee, I'm sorry I transferred from a place where only BTS is known of Kpop, and idols don't know it exists."
"Ok ok. I'm acting like a brat. But it's very common to see idols in Gangnam." Tae Hee justified herself.

"I know I know." Y/n pouted. "Whatever though. Wanna grab something to eat?"
"What do you suggest redhead?" Tae Hee stood up.
"Street food?" The girl started giggling.
"Yes! Let me grab my bag and let's head out!" Tae Hee said happily as she ran to the hallway.

"Kyaaa. This pickled radish is amazing!" Tae Hee squealed.
"There so many side dishes here, and you try the pickled radish?" Y/n laughed at Tae Hee's doe eyes.
"Leave me be Y/n. It's been a while since I came here."
"Are your parents from here?" The girl asked Tae Hee while looking at her plate.
"Yes, but they moved to the States before I was even born. Though we used to visit Korea a lot. By the way...I don't mean to be rude by asking this, but...Are you a mixed asian or..."
"Yes." Y/n answered nervously.

"Then what's your ethnicity?"
"Wait! Then why don't you speak Korean?"
"Well...When my dad was a little kid, he escaped North Korea and was able to make it to Europe with an old man. Right after he was adopted and slowly adjusted to the new family. He remembered Korean, but he mostly spoke their language. I guess I was no different." Y/n's eyes wandered around the place they were sitting in.

"Oh...what about your mom?"
"She is Irish." Y/n chuckled. "The stereotypical Irish ginger woman that everyone can think of."
"What a great mix." The girl leaned on her friend's shoulder. "Being a ginger asian must feel nice. You look so...exotic but yet so normal. Very balanced."
"Oh and you're already drunk." Y/n's lips formed a smile and right after she rolled her eyes in realization. "I have to carry you back to our apartment, don't I?"

"Common Tae Hee you can do this girl!" Y/n tried to help her friend up from the place she was sitting. "Tae Hee! Don't make this any harder than it should be!"
Y/n jumped around like a little kid in frustration.

"Hey do you need help?" A tall figure hovered over her body.
"Ah! Oh my world! You scared me so much!" Y/n's body trembled in fear.
"Ah I'm so sorry!" The guy bowed. "I just wanted to be of help."
As Y/n studied his eyes, she realized who she was talking to.

"Oh hi once again!" The girl bowed. "It would be very much appreciated if you could help me."
"Wait..Do you recognize me?" The guy's eyes opened wide.
"Yes I do." The girl smiled as she pointed towards a drunken Tae Hee. "Can we get her out of here?"
The guy nodded as he helped Y/n carry the drunk girl to the front of the building.

"Is she even old enough to drink?" Johnny questioned the girl's looks.
"She isn't. But she is capable of doing so..."
"Capable." Johnny laughed as he looked at Y/n.
Right after a feminine laugh was heard too.
"Are you old enough to drink?" Johnny asked the girl as her smile was fading.
"I didn't drink." She said in a nervous tone.
"I got you." The guy started walking. "Let's get her in, shall we?"

"Here! Put her in this bed." Y/n pointed at a bed with pinkish covers. "Great! Thank you a lot! Would you like something to drink?" She asked out of politeness.
"Just a glass of water please." Johnny looked around the room.
"So is this the place you live in?"
"Yeah. Are you planning on breaking in at anytime of the day?"
Johnny was caught off guard, hence he spat the water out. "Oh I'm so sorry!"
Y/n giggled as she gave him a tissue. "It's okay. Sorry for teasing you like that."

They had been sitting in the shared balcony for a while, talking nonsense to one another.
"I never knew Jungwoo was like that." Y/n scratched her head.
"Wait really?"
"I mean I don't bias NCT that much to know that Jungwoo is a savage. He seems pretty sweet to me." The seated girl shrugged.
"Sweet? He is an annoying prick." Johnny rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"Oh well. I'll keep that in mind when watching NCT vlogs. No mercy for Jungwoo."
Johnny laughed for the 1000th time that day.
"You sure do laugh a lot. I thought you were a relaxed person." Y/n said towards the guy, who was currently laughing his heart out.
"I am!"
"Uh huh."
"I swear I am!"
"Dude chill." A small giggle was heard.

They both looked at the outside view as one of them was intensively thinking. Is it okay if I ask her that? Maybe she'll think I'm a predator or something. Ugh!

"Hey! Can you introduce yourself to me? If you feel uncomfortable then don't."
"No it's okay." Y/n nervously looked at Johnny.
"Well my name is Y/n and I'm 18 years old, soon to be 19. And if you were wondering: Yes, I am a mixed asian."
"Mixed? So you're a wasian?"
"Pretty much." She shrugged.

"You know a being ginger and asian is a very special combination."
"So I've been told." Y/n said fiddling her fingers. "It must be pretty late. Don't you need to go?"
Johnny checked his phone: 11pm. They had been talking for 2 hours. How did that happen?
"Ah yes I do have to go."

They both headed to the door.
"Thank you for taking me in and for the conversation." Johnny bowed to her.
"Ah no! Thank you for coming in and helping me."
And just like that they both parted with a 'good night'.

Disclaimer: The drinking age in Korea is 19 years old. I am aware of that! Sorry if this chapter comes off as offensive because of underage drinking! I don't promote this behavior in any way.

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